- Addons
- 403,102
This addon adds the possibility to store and learn entire sets of talents, the list of sets can be toggled using the button in the top-right corner of the Talent frame.
With the introduction of 1 minute limit tomes to change talents.. time is of the essence. Talent Set Manager lets you change your talents quickly, with just a double-click!
An existing talent set can be learned by using the /talentset pve <set name> or /talentset pvp <set name> (dragging a talent set, automatically creates a macro with this slashcommand)
- LibDataBroker support to quickly select talent sets
- Possibility to drag talent sets to actionbars
- Possibility to link an equipment set to a talent set, to kill two birds with one stone
- Separate lists for PvE and PvP talent sets
- Ability to ignore entire tiers by right-clicking on them when creating sets, to only change certain talents.