
Sort Raid and Party

Version 201 : added a button to turn on and off Sort Raid & Party for convenience for configuring the unit frames addons.

added Healium PitBull4 to the list.

added an API for other addons and WeakAuras, see Documentation at the end of the description.


Sort Raid & Party sorts the unit frames of ALL addons : Blizzard ElvUI Aptechka SpartanUI ViksUI ZPerl InvenRaidFrames3 Plexus ShadowedUnitFrames VuhDo* Cell Grid2 Perl DiscordUnitFrames oUF_Ruri HotSpot nUI Healium PitBull4 HealBot**.


For enemy arena frames check my other addon SortArenaFrames.



The addon is super lightweight, like 40kb, and works seamlessly in combat !

It also works on 4+1(player) party frames like Blizzard or Perl.


Remember that the sorting order is TOP to BOTTOM, then LEFT to RIGHT

1  4  7
2  5  8
3  6  ...


If you plan on configuring your unit frames addon, you probably need to turn off Sort Raid & Party before.




  • The Config Panel is "load on demand" and must be loaded out of combat the first time.
  • The addon is partially localised in french, english and russian.
  • There is a button to show / hide pets at the bottom of the Blizzard manager.

Right click on the bliz' manager arrow at the left of your screen to show / hide the Config Panel, or in the addon loader near the minimap, or /srap.

Open Config Panel





  • Double sort the frames, by role (tank, damager, healer) then by class (rogue, warrior, priest...).
  • Chose the position of the player frame.
  • Add vertical spacing up to 40 pixels (Blizzard only) !
  • Anchor (or not) pets below their owner (Blizzard only).
  • 4 character specific and account-wide profiles : party, raid, arena and battleground
  • Sort Raid & Party has its own pet frames for party. In party Blizzard pet frames must be disabled.
    Config Panel


  • target / focus / assist the remapped units with the blizzard Options -> Bindings interface.
  • Macro are supported with the traditional macro syntax or the "Macro Recipe".
  • 4 special tokens : medic (healer), tank, tank1, tank2 and tank3.
    Macro Recipe


  • Everything works in combat except the vertical spacing that cannot be modified in combat.




You can make Sort Raid & Party acting on your unit frames with the following functions :


SRAPHandler:addaframe("name of your set", displayframe, [unitframe])

- "name of your set" : type string, defines the set to which the frames belong. 

- displayframe : a frame of one unit to which everything is anchored

- unitframe : optional, the button that contains the unit attribute at the LeftButton, unitframe=displayframe very often


SRAPHandler:addheader("name of your set", header)

- "name of your set" : type string, defines the set to which the frames belong. 

 - header : a "SecureGroupHeaderTemplate" or "SecureGroupPetHeaderTemplate" etc... found in "SecureGroupHeaders.xml"


A displayframe or a header must appear only once in a set, but can belong to more than one set. 



This function pauses Sort Raid & Party and revert to the initial frame positions and anchors.



This function reactives Sort Raid & Party and performs an update.



* VuhDo, doesn't work in raid it seems.

*HealBot users need to edit their addon in order to move their frames as a whole :

BEFORE  HealBot.xml   <StatusBar name="HealBot_StatusBar" virtual="true" hidden="false">

AFTER     HealBot.xml   <StatusBar name="HealBot_StatusBar" virtual="true" hidden="false" inherits="SecureFrameTemplate">