

This is a proof of concept allowing to make bindings that strafe left and right, and additionally make your character move forward while holding both at once. It's also an auxiliary addon for MouselookHandler to allow strafing with the left and right mouse buttons while still being able to move forward while pressing both.

The only way to use it right now is to bind CLICK ForwardStrafeStrafeLeft:LeftButton and CLICK ForwardStrafeStrafeRight:LeftButton manually. For example, to strafe with Q and E you would

/run SetBinding("Q", "CLICK ForwardStrafeStrafeLeft:LeftButton"); SetBinding("E", "CLICK ForwardStrafeStrafeRight:LeftButton")

To use it with MouselookHandler, enter the commands CLICK ForwardStrafeStrafeLeft:LeftButton and CLICK ForwardStrafeStrafeRight:LeftButton for your desired keys in the MouselookHandler configuration UI.