DragonBinds will allow you to change your movement keys (Strafe/Forward/Backward) to movement keys that can be used while flying your dragon (Turn/Pitch).
The goal is to emulate other flying games controls, and free the use of your mouse to look around you with the camera.
This add-on work well with a Pitch sensitivity of 5, you can change your pitch sensitivity with this command : “/console dragonRidingPitchSensitivity X” (X = 1 to 10)
You need to bind a key to toggle in & out "Dragon Mode". This can be done in the keybinds panel of your game option menu.
More features will come, mainly two :
- Autodetection mode, that will detect if you're flying and adjust control keys accordingly
- Pitch angle HUD which will allow you to display an overlay of pitch angles.
I'm in the process of editing the description as well as doing a video and screenshots demonstrating the add-on usage.
This project is highly inspired by RETabBinder. If you have knowledge about WoW Add-on making, don't hesitate to contact me i can use some help for the most advanced features i'd like to add.
Known issues (please read)
- Work only with the strafe keys for the moment, i plan the add-on to be more flexible about that but i need to gather add-on dev knowledge first (or a dev ! :D)
- You need to only have one bind for each of the movement action, if you got two binds (eg. W & Up for "Forward) the add-on will not update your binds correctly (only once every 4 toggle)
- You need to have a "Backward" bind, this is mainly for PvPers, i'm sure lots of you have "S" bound to another key :)