


A very simple death report.
It also can announces if someone ...

- dies.
- dispells
- kicks
- spellsteals

Requires a data broker display like chocolate bar, bazooka, ninjapanel, stat block, titan panel, docking station, buttonbin and more.

The configurations are done via LDB or in the options panel.
The possible output channels are:

SELF: prints information only in player's chat.
GROUP: try to guess and reports to the right [ party|raid|instance_chat ] channel.
LDB: only show in tooltip


If you are interested in helping translating, please provide the following entries:

L["Right-Click"] = ""
L["Left-Click"] = ""
L["Middle-Click"] = ""
L["Time"] = ""
L["Source"] = ""
L["Target"] = ""
L["Spell"] = ""
L["Damage"] = ""
L["Overkill"] = ""
L["Channel"] = ""
L["Report on|off"] = ""
L["Reset Data"] = ""
L["Demo"] = ""
L["Whisp Player"] = ""
L["Show Spell"] = ""
L["No deaths recorded yet"] = ""
L["You was killed by %s with %s overkill %s"] = ""
L["%s: %s killed %s with %s damage of %s overkill %s"] = ""
L["%s: %s killed %s with %s melee overkill %s"] = ""

Actually it supports for the following locale:
- enUS
- itIT
- zhTW. Thanks to BNS.
- zhCN. Thanks to BNS.

Because I was unable to find a _GLOBAL string that can be used as title for the option of speallsteal I decided that dispell and spellsteal use the same configuration checkbox till I found one suitable :-)

If you have anything to ask / comment / request please use: