No Stuffed Animal Relationship
We all know that your childhood stuffed toy is special, some even extra special. They are the recipients of your love and tears, patient listeners to rants and always ready to have a hug; but a relationship is a 2-way thing and no matter how special, a stuffed animal cannot reply or offer a hug in return, so having them in your Sims friend panel is a bit weird.
This mod does two things, it stops relationship changes between sims and stuffed toys; and it unlocks all the available interactions from the start because otherwise some interactions would never become available.
This mod does not remove existing relationships, so if you want to get rid of those you will need to delete the toy and replace it with a new one.
Note: A lot of XML's were changed to make this mods and it will conflict with any other mods that changes the following:
Loot_StuffedAnimal_AskAbout : 00000000000061B9
Loot_StuffedAnimal_AskAboutPast_Accept : 0000000000006199
Loot_StuffedAnimal_AskAboutPast_Reject : 00000000000061AD
Loot_StuffedAnimal_CallNames : 00000000000061B5
Loot_StuffedAnimal_CheerUp : 00000000000061B8
Loot_StuffedAnimal_Hit : 0000000000002047
Loot_StuffedAnimal_Hug : 0000000000002043
Loot_StuffedAnimal_ImaginationPlay : 00000000000061BA
loot_StuffedAnimal_Infant : 000000000004D07A
Loot_StuffedAnimal_JokeAbout : 00000000000061B6
Loot_StuffedAnimal_MakeFunOf : 00000000000061B7
Loot_StuffedAnimal_PlayPeriodic : 0000000000008471
Loot_StuffedAnimal_TellSecret_Accept : 0000000000006198
Loot_StuffedAnimal_TellSecret_Reject : 00000000000061AF
Loot_StuffedAnimal_TellStory : 00000000000061B3
Loot_StuffedAnimal_ThreatenToThrowAway : 00000000000027F3
loot_StuffedAnimal_Toddler_Relationship : 000000000004F3A8
Loot_StuffedAnimal_YellAt : 00000000000061B2
stuffedAnimal_Infant_CooAt : 00000000000457C3
stuffedAnimal_Talk_AskAbout : 000000000000845E
stuffedAnimal_Talk_AskAboutPast : 000000000000845D
stuffedAnimal_Talk_CallNames : 000000000000845B
stuffedAnimal_Talk_ImaginationPlay : 0000000000008460
stuffedAnimal_Talk_MakeFunOf : 000000000000845A
stuffedAnimal_Talk_TellSecret : 000000000000845F
stuffedAnimal_Talk_TellStory : 000000000000845C
stuffedAnimal_Talk_ThreatenToThrowAway : 0000000000008458
stuffedAnimal_Talk_YellAt : 0000000000008459