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A visible pal capture counter mod which shows next to the pals' nickname how many times it has already been captured.

This mod utilizes UE4SS xinput and has only been tested on the Singleplayer and Multiplayer Steam version of

This installation guide is a copy of this mod


  • Download the zip and extract it in Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\Mods.
  • Add the following line to the mods.txt file in the Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\Mods directory.
    VisiblePalCaptureCounter : 1

Thanks to users Crazyon69 and AirborneMuffins for finding this solution and sharing it in the comments section of the Remove flying stamina cost mod.

  • Download the zip and extract it in C:\Users\"UserName"\AppData\Local\Pal\Saved\Config\WinGDK\Mods.
    Alternatively, some users are reporting the mod should be installed in the following location: (C:\XboxGames\Palworld\Content\Pal\Binaries\WinGDK\)
  • Add the following line to the mods.txt file in the C:\Users\"UserName"\AppData\Local\Pal\Saved\Config\WinGDK\Mods directory.
    VisiblePalCaptureCounter : 1

If you get stuck, this video may help Modding Palworld | Game Pass Guide | Install, Config & Use Mods in Palworld Game Pass.

The mod is client side and it also works in multiplayer

Help me!
If you want to help improve it, you can contact me on discord: jsthop3
Or you can find the source code on my github

To Do

  • Optimization...