DISCLAIMER: This is the texture pack version of JNE, to play the mod version click this Link or press the Button below
The Page you see below is for the deprecated texture pack version of JNE that is no longer being worked on as I'm focusing on the Mod Version of this project, this page is being kept for archival purposes
This Resource Pack aims to Improve Vanilla Minecraft's Nether using various Optifine's Features such as Connected Textures, Custom Item Textures, Custom Mob Textures an Optional Datapack and many more
And the best part is that it does it all WITHOUT Replacing Anything in vanilla minecraft!
Trouble Shooting Common Problems
This pack Requires Optifine to work Properly so if you think some features don't work make sure you have it properly installed first
If you see that the Datapack Custom Biome's Textures aren't loading in then make sure to press F3 + T this is a optifine bug but it can be fixed by reloading the pack this way
Pack's Features List
If you are looking for a Detailed Wiki on all the Pack's Features then Check out the Discord Server! we have a complete list of every feature in there
And you can get Sneak Peeks into the Pack's Future Updates early!
If you enjoyed the Pack then Consider Following since i make Many more Cool Packs such as this one and it Really Helps keep me motivated to make these!
Pack Credits (click on spoiler to show)
These People and their Projects helped make Nether Expansions Possible be sure to check them out!
Minecraft Dungeons - Many Ideas were Ported from MCDungeons
Icedmi - For Redesigning the Old Soul Slate
Sydney - For Suggesting the Name for Soul Slate
fooff's Pack Shields+ - For showing me you can do CIT for Shields
Stefan's Pack Better Vanilla Building - For showing you how to Add Custom Blocks without Replacing Anything Else
Nebby - For Suggesting the name for The Scorched
Tamakii - For helping to make Screaming Basalt, The Obsolete, naturally generating Basalt Spikes and many Fungus based blocks
kekman - Helped get the Dungeons textures so it's easier for me to recreate them
Nayru - also Helped get the Textures for Dungeons
Krillo - Made the Scarlet Gorge assets and came up with the biome's idea
TearsOFLov - Made the Hanging Crimson and Warped Roots
Slice - Came up with the Soul Forests Idea and made all of it's textures, also helped make the colormap for Lava
Nekomaster - Came up with the original idea of the Trampler
Minecraft Earth - Some ideas were also ported from Minecraft Earth
What you can and Cannot do with the Pack (click on spoiler to show)
Don't re-upload this pack on any other websites
Don't Take Assets such as Textures, Models or Worldgen Code without asking for permission first!
If you want to use this pack for a server please Don't set it as a Server Resource Pack! but instead manually download it from this page
Disclaimer: Any purchases made from the link above will give me some commission from it with no additional cost to you!