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The second pack in the WhotTechs WayTooManyMods Series.


A pack revolving around the progression through unique mods to make you work to get certain processes started. Ranging from farming Cactus to convert to dirt and collecting snow from a snowman to use with a life essence wand! 


Currently the pack holds 118 mods (some including the island generation mod and assistance mods)


The Pack currently has included in it, YUNoMakeGoodMap (Skyblock generator) and Void Island Control which works in with Sky Resources 2 to give a depth to a skyblock map which include a extensive starting guide to include making dirt, saplings and other items out of nothing!


If your going to make a server, we suggest using Void Island Control for the generator mod, as it gives you commands to give you your own islands from a Spawn island. World type must be set to voidworld  to generate the Bedrock platform.


Updates will be frequent along with a server to play with your friends.


A wiki will be available soon. 


If you have any issues, don't hesitate to send me a message here or on discord