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A quick install version of TFC TNG with JourneyMap and JEI.

TerraFirmaCraft TNG - Base is a modpack that focuses on being a quick to install version of TerraFirmaCraft 'The Next Generation', with nothing more than Not Enough Items, Just Enough Items, The One Probe and JourneyMap as a bonus.

This project will be kept updated as often as possible with the latest versions of TFC installed.


TerraFirmaCraft is a survival overhaul mod set in a pre-modern metalworking era, allowing you to progress from the stone age to advanced coloured steel alloys.
This project page was created purely as an easy to install TFC set up, without having to worry about trying to install it yourself (not that there is an issue with that).
The aim is to make it easier for newcomers to TFC to install and enjoy the mod as intended.


The standard TerraFirmaCraft mod can be found here, alternative to this modpack:


TFC: TNG Base is sponsored by BisectHosting! Click the link below to recieve a discount on your server for this or any other modpack, supporting me in the process!