Allocate 6GB - 8GB of ram (Higher or lower may cause performance issues!)
Servers are currently recommended to use for 8GB best performance
To Play RLCraft Dregora:
To play RLCraft Dregora we recommend using the Curseforge Launcher
For Servers:
Download and use the Server Pack not the Client pack!
Read the SERVER README OR DIE.txt file included with the Server Pack or the server will not work properly.
Tips, Tricks & Community Discussion:
We welcome you to visit the official RLCraft Discord to discuss topics in relation to RLCraft Dregora.
World Generation Powered By OTG
Interested in how we created Dregora without using Java or complicated code? Check out the OTG Discord to find out.
Dregora is a lot of things, but foremost a custom world generator that alters the default generation of Minecraft that has been ever evolving into a better version of itself since 2013 where it started out as a world generator for our server the Ancient Realms through which we got asked to release it publicly. And thus many years later, here we are still expanding!
The world of RLCraft Dregora was envisioned by NLBlackEagle and his brother NLBlackHeavenNL two years ago as a boundless adventure specially made for RLCraft with its core intention to spice up the terrain generation. This project however quickly grew as we banded together with the RLCraft Developers and created this modpack with its 300+ new biomes being but a fraction of what RLCraft Dregora has to offer. To name a few changes there are new bosses, mobs, structures, mechanics, mob variants, and a whole new gameloop with the goal to immerse you and pull you into its world with a full storyline in its expansive lore.
Just like with RLCraft, I probably should mention that you're going to die...a lot... and some more! As it turns out I'm probably even more of a sadist in comparison to Shivaxi.
See IMPORTANT at the top of this page for important information regarding installations
We highly recommend installing this modpack using the Curseforge launcher, as manual installations often fail to install properly.
If you still want to create a manual client install, you must download the Server Pack not the Client Pack.
Then, download Forge's installer, run the installer, select the client install, and select your .minecraft directory.
After the installer is finished installing, extract the server pack and paste the contents of it into your .minecraft directory.
Warning: If you experience issues from the manual install, you will likely not receive support, and will be directed to use a launcher like Curseforge or Prism.
RLCraft Dregora Key Features:
- 300+ Distinctive new biomes
- 300+ New/Updated structures
- Integration of Biomes O Plenty blocks to diversify redesigned biomes
- Procedural Generation & Lore Rich Persistent Regions
- Random Encounter Entity System
- New RLCraft Dregora exclusive Bosses
- Expanded & Altered Game Loop
- New Items, Weapons, Loot Tables, Mobs and Villager Trades
- 100+ Additional Lore Focused Books
- Changes to entity AI
- A Big Scary Secret Something You Have To Figure Out On Your Own!
RLCraft Key Features:
- Thirst Bar
- Temperature & Heat
- Healing From Food Removed
- Torches Made More Realistic
- F3 Debug Disabled, Map And Compass Enhanced
- Mob Spawners Drop Loot & Have A Set Lifespan Now
- Randomized Spawning When You Have No Set Spawn Point
- Items & Abilities Locked Until You Level Up In Certain Skills
- New And Powerful RPG Skills And Perks Can Be Unlocked With XP
- Randomized Ruins, Structures, And Dungeons Generating All Throughout The World
- All New Weapons & Tools
- All New Mobs, Passive & Aggressive, From Lycanite's Mobs, Ice & Fire Dragons, & Infernal Mobs
- New Custom Crafting & Smelting Recipe's For Certain Vanilla Items
- Sound Engine Overhaul For Added Realistic Immersive Experience
- Item Physics Overhaul
- Brand New Enchantments, Potions, & Individual Item Qualities
- Over 340 optional Quests!
- All new underground biomes, cave and cavern generation
- Revamped Nether
- CARPETS ON STAIRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Extended Features:
- Visit the wiki for more information!
You thought RLCraft was hard? Well think again as you relive those first RLCraft days once again, figuring out what does what and where to go. Fear not! As while I call the Netherlands my home, I didn't go full sadist on you and left you with plenty of options to overcome my challenges!
- CHOOSE YOUR BIOME WISELY - With the addition of 300+ biomes, picking one may be troublesome. As in RLCraft, temperature is among your biggest concerns when picking a biome, sunbathing sounds like a leisure activity until you realize you have nowhere to cool off. Likewise climbing a mountain without the proper gear may leave you shivering from head to toe. Perhaps you should keep an eye out for flower plains as they naturally spawn nymphs but beware, not all may be as peaceful as it looks.
- BE ALERT - With the addition of new mods come new mechanics, entities, biomes, items, structures and so on. A gravel patch could be a pitfall, the house you enter could be rigged to blow up and a potion of regeneration could be one of de-generation so pay attention to the details as most of these cursed areas or items can be detected.
- EXPLORING CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE - A big part of RLCraft is built around exploration and RLCraft Dregora even more so. Not only will you find various abandoned shelters but you'll find cities and underground civilizations very few have found before you. All these and much more will aid you in your playthrough, for what if you find the fabled ban hammer...?
- START LEVELING IMMEDIATELY - You probably noticed that to even use shears, your Gathering and Farming skills have to be at 4 each. Start spending those levels right away, as you probably will not be able to sleep the first night or two regardless. Reskillable and Level Up! are accessible through the tabs in your inventory.
- TOP PRIORITY ITEMS - There are a few things you'll be wanting to try and obtain immediately. You'll need either a Canteen or Water Bottle to drink, so kill some cows or find some sand to smelt to glass. To light torches you'll need a flint and steel or a match box. Match boxes are easier to obtain than Iron, so try to find some sugarcane or birch to make the paper you'll need for crafting one. Cobblestone and Wood are used to craft fireplaces if it's too cold, and are lit by right clicking the fireplace with sticks a few times, or a flint and steel. Water is the easiest thing to cool you down if you're too hot, getting a bucket of water should be on your top priority list here. Sheep can't drop wool any longer but you'll want to find them rather quick regardless if you want to make a bed any time soon.
RLCraft Dregora is ever evolving as it has been since it's origins in 2012 where the concept of Dregora came into existence, since then the feedback of those who experienced the project helped with shaping it into what it currently is. This means that in a sense reporting issues or giving feedback stands central to the development of this modpack so don't discard your opinion on something away as those who brought forth their ideas eventually found themselves part of groups such as the beta test team to whom I owe my gratitude for the positive impact they had on development.
Please if you have any suggestions or find any bugs report them here:
RLCraft Dregora is ever evolving and thus I will keep on adding more and more to this modpack. Just take RLCraft as example and my wild idea to add Dregora... and then redo the ruins mod, add new loottables, new structures, new mechanics, a new ******** (very secret!), Fish Undead and much, much more like the Epic Siege mod although with most of it's features toned down after receiving feedback on the matter from people just like you! So again, if you have any feedback please pay us a visit on discord and talk it over with us in the appropriate #rlcraft-dregora channel!
Foremost we, NLBlackEagle & NLBlackHeavenNL, want to thank the entire team, the modders, and the community around RLCraft and Dregora for without them RLCraft Dregora would not have existed and special thanks to the following for their dedication and time into the development of RLCraft Dregora:
- Shivaxi, for the awesome trailer, the song and his advice/guidance in creating RLCraft Dregora.
- Fonnymunkey, for fixing numerous performance/bug issues, his advice on performance fixing, and his effort into creating custom mechanics for RLCraft Dregora.
- Kotlin, for specialized additions to RLCraft Dregora such as the spawners, the dragon riders, providing a beta-test server for bug hunting, playtesting, and his feedback.
- Rayquazafallout, for the numerous hours into playtesting, bug hunting, and finding an exponential greater number of bugs as well as providing ideas on how to fix these.
- Meldexun, for fixing GUI/menu related issues specifically for RLCraft Dregora and the numerous fixes consolidated into RLTweaker over the years which inherently benefited RLCraft Dregora
- Emerald, for making the awesome logo for RLCraft Dregora & Shivaxi for arranging this.
- Eclipse, Nischi, KekPriest_Of_Kek, and cdstk_ALT for their invaluable feedback and other contributions during development.
And at last, special thanks to NLBlackHeavenNL for he may not have been seen many times he was definitely there actively participating in the development of Dregora since its conception in 2012. Since then there has been the close to weekly calls on Skype, then Teamspeak, and now Discord during which we progressed Dregora to higher levels of refinement until the day came where Heaven showcased me a particular trailer explaining how to play this modpack "RLCraft" 4 years ago.