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Magical Purge Reborn

Welcome to the lands of Magical Purge Reborn! Magical Purge Reborn is a new mopdpack that will change how you see minecraft. Magical Purge Reborn is a updated version of the old 1.7.10 Magical Purge modpack that MKN staffs played!

Modpack Information

This modpack is a magic based modpack with known mods like Thaumcraft, Botania, Bewichment and other amazing mods that change a lot the minecraft gameplay. The modpack has constantly updates and our team is always listening to your suggestions. The modpack is based on an old minecraft modpack named Magical Purge that also had a official server, this modpack is now down so we made this updated version. Before you join the huge adventure of the modpack you should be prepared to have a lot of fun!

Official Server

The modpack has a official server that will allow you to play with friends without any lag. The server has PvP enabled and doesn't have claim systems so you will need to make secret bases and protect them with the best magic mods that exist in the whole world. I challenge you to join in this huge server and survive with your friends! The IP of the official server is inside the modpack, if you have any problem please contact our staff team.
