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 Do you love packs that involve adventure, fighting mobs, rpg based & magic based? Well this is the correct pack for you. This is a modpack created by Arsenal Network and this pack was highly requested to be created. 
This pack has an amazing world generation with tons and tons of biomes to explore and dungeons, ships, abandoned homes, and villages to loot. When you first start on the pack you begin with some starting items that are helpful for your adventure for the day and night. But beware the night is not so friendly as it sounds like. Some pretty creepy looking mobs might jump or crawl at you. While you are at it don't be afraid to kill any enemies because they drop some serious good loot if you are lucky. This pack is going to have a quest system which is going to be created on the Better Questing mod. The questing book is still blank and is a WIP. This pack also includes a mod were it gives you a death compass if you have died and tells you exactly how to get to your death location and gives you the exact cords to it. The goal of this pack is to explore all the new areas that have been added and to fight the harder mobs for legendary loot. Well.... that's all I've got to tell you about this pack as I will leave the rest of the adventure up to you to discover.


Recommended allocated RAM/Memory: 3-4 GB
While you are at it please make sure you have 64 bit java 8 installed. You can find the link to the download here.


Also there will be an official server releasing for the pack very soon as it's still in a WIP.


Bug Report Tracker


 Feel free to support the mod pack creator here: