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(To follow update status / incoming changes for the 2.1 content update ^)


Link to the Official OST!


Waking up on a planet underneath a shattered moon, you begin discovering the technology of a civilisation long past.

The cogwheels must turn. The planet is not your boundary: you must expand to the stars above. Automate, industrialize, revolutionize the solar system.




Are you disappointed that many modpacks get to the end of progression before you can access the moon? Are their planets barren and uninspired most of the time? We’re fixing that.


The progression of Create: Astral finds you working up through 5+ chapters of quests packed to the brim with Create-themed processes and support for limitless automation. Custom recipes have been introduced to support HUGE factories and mass item renewability at a level you may not have seen within the Fabric 1.18.2 Ecosystem.


Planets tie into the progression of the pack. They are not a goal but a path leading you through exploring a fully customized Moon, Mars, and Mercury, featuring worldgen changes, huge structure overhauls, custom oregen, mobs, and more!





You achieve the ability early on to create a new portal type using Shimmer and special new items made from moon rock scattered around the overworld. On and beyond the Moon lie various resources including Nether resource, making engaging with space a rewarding integral experience... Discover technology to industrialise and blast off to Mars! Mercury even!





Entirely customized (and some original!) datapacks developed by the talented team behind the pack with structures for exploration, changed structure generation to fit into the modpack balance and reworked loot tables to reward exploration. The pack also features custom blocks and items for you to discover!






Months were spent getting as stable an environment as possible. This pack features most of the important fabric performance mods to allow even weaker PC's to run shaders in a heavily modded environment! All benchmarking was done on 1080 + 5600X to reach 144fps on 8 chunks with the complementary reimagined preset included within the mod. The server package has also been optimized for low TPS fluctuations and stability.






The pack plays into the challenge of creating daunting new farms intended for experts. However, a carefully developed in-game quest book provides thorough explanation to let any budding engineer have the knowledge needed to become experts themselves.

Foggy mercury image




- 4700 Lines of KubeJS of changes / removal / additions and full integration of mods into the create mod crafting space.

- All of which make full use of create filling, sequenced assembly, mechanical crafting, Tech Reborn processes, and more!

- Complex crafting processes to fully automate almost every essential resource!

- Early game trains!

- Adjusted progression theming around the create mod (plus it's addons!), Tech Reborn, and solar system exploration.

- Full tinkers integration, including liquid metals, alloying through create mixing, and basin casting recipes!

- A chapter for each celestial body.

- An easily accessibly official multiplayer server!




Laskyyy - Project Lead, and founder of Create: Astral.


LizardLeliel - Hugely impactful in the quest progression, and responsible for a WHOLE host of the recipes and automation you can find throughout the pack!


Ethanicuss - Mod development, datapack development (astral rails), music contribution, quest assistance, countless misc. input throughout development (A LOT)


Iris - Some recipes, some art, endgame chapters and incredible contribution to music in the pack, including the official Create: Astral OST! Check it out on all major streaming services or youtube to see it before the whole thing is implemented!


ChocoNeosome - Constructing most of the buildings you'll see in our custom structures!


Erdragh - Mod Development and fixes, quest assistance, misc input. Mainly custom mod development. 


arc25275 - KubeJS script refactoring QB fixes & upcoming Kube content.