Wolf Dog Utilities
This mod provides certain utilities for the user to better manage their wolves in the game.
🦴 Limits on how many wolves each player can tame.
🦴 Keeping track of how many wolves you have tamed.
🦴 Limits on how many dogs you can train (with DoggyTalentsNext installed)
🦴 And more in the future!
Please copy the config from the common config file to the world folder serverconfig/ file and rename "common" to "server" in the recent update. I moved to server config so that options can be seperated for each world.
Notice :
+ This is a Server-Side-Only mod and is only required to be present on the server.
+ DoggyTalentsNext is an optional dependency.
+ This won't work with OG DoggyTalents as some name of the class has changed.
Configurations and Features can be found on wolfdogutilities-server.toml :
Note : For the wolf breed count view, please use dandelons instead, my mistake in the documentations.
["Wolf Dog Utilities"]
#"Dog" refers to the dog from DoggyTalents.
#If DoggyTalents is not installed, every config below involving "Dog" will simply have no effect.
#This allows random wolves who dies in the wild to notify all player and get another chance to be tamed.
save_wild_wolf = false
#This put a limit on how many wolves each player can tame.
wolf_tame_limit = true
#This define the limit of how many wolves each player can tame.
#Range: > 1
wolf_tame_limit_value = 7
#This put a limit on how many dogs each player can train.
dog_train_limit = false
#This define the limit on how many dogs each player can train.
#Range: > 1
dog_train_limit_value = 7
#Specifies whether wolves of the owner can breed while tame limit is reached.
wolf_breed_over_limit = false
#Specifies whether dogs of the owner can breed while train limit is reached.
dog_breed_over_limit = false
#This allows player to see how many wolves they got by Shift+RightClicking any wolves with a Bone in hand
show_wolf_tame_count = true
#This allows player to see how many wolves they have bred by Shift+RightClicking any wolves with a Dandelon in hand
show_wolf_breed_count = true
#This allows player to see how many wolves have died by Shift+RightClicking any wolves with an Axe in hand
show_wolf_death_count = true