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An unofficial replay port to neo(forge). Record, replay and edit your adventures in Minecraft! For basic information about the mod I refer you to their mod page. One important not is that FFMPEG is required to run the mod. Installation can be done as the following:

1 Installing FFmpeg

To render your creations with Replay Mod you will need to have FFmpeg installed.

1.1 Windows

Download the latest FFmpeg release from fffmpeg release essentials.

Extract the downloaded .zip file into your .minecraft folder.

Historically the exact location inside the .minecraft folder was important, this is no longer the case. It is sufficient for the ffmpeg.exe to be anywhere inside your .minecraft folder.

Notes for alternative launchers

Twitch launcher by default installs Minecraft instances in C:\Users\username\Twitch\Minecraft\Instances\instancename
GD Launcher by default installs Minecraft instances in C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\gdlauncher_next\instances\instancename
MultiMC by default installs Minecraft instances in C:\Program Files (x86)\MultiMC\instances\Instancename.minecraft
For these launchers, make sure FFmpeg exists inside the corresponding folder.

1.2 Mac OSX

On OSX, you can install FFmpeg with Homebrew using brew install ffmpeg.

Alternatively, you can download the latest static build from ffmpeg website and copy the FFmpeg executable to /usr/local/bin.

1.3 Linux

On Linux, you can install FFmpeg using your system's package manager, for example using apt install ffmpeg. If in doubt, consult the documentation of your distribution.