FIND IT HERE: Economy Overhaul
Designed this mod starting with my frustration at feeling compelled to spend hours in survival making a gunpowder farm just so I found enjoy using Elytra without worrying about running out of Gunpowder. This quickly grew in such a way that I tried to incorporate as many hard to acquire or limited resources as viable goods you can trade with for villagers. Now if you are willing to take the time to set up some sort of passive income such as farming crops to trade with villagers, you can acess a wide range of useful goods at your convinece in return. I tried to include enough new items for every type of village trader, that now hopefully every player using this mod will want at least 1 of each villager type, rather than just picking a select few with the items they like from the Vanilla Selection.
This does not remove any of the vanilla trades offered by villagers, and you still only get 2 random selections of trades, there's just now a larger pool of possible trades that include my new items. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND using the mod 'Trade Cycling' by henkelmax if you would like to make it easier to rotate through all the random trade offers to pick and choose which of my new trade options you want to lock in once you start trading with that specific villager. The Trade Cycling Mod is by no means required whatsoever, it's just extremely time saving and useful, thus the recommendation.
New Trade Offers:
x1 Emerald = x3 Iron Ingot (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x7 Coal (Level 1 Trade)
x10 Emerald = x1 Anvil
x1 Emerald = x3 Raw Beef (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x3 Raw Porkchop (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x4 Raw Chicken (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x4 Raw Rabbit (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x9 Feathers (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x16 Egg (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x2 Rabbit Foot (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x4 Magma Creams (Level 4 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x4 Ghast Tears (Level 5 Trade)
x6 Emerald = x1 Slimeball (Level 1 Trade)
x9 Emerald = x1 Compass (Level 1 Trade)
x3 Emerald = x1 Spyglass (Level 1 Trade)
x30 Emerald = x1 Totem of Undying (Level 5 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x3 Gunpowder (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x1 Phantom Membrane (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x2 Gold Ingot (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x3 Glass Bottles (Level 1 Trade)
x4 Emerald = x1 Melon (Level 1 Trade)
x2 Emerald = x1 Pumpkin (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x4 Sugarcane (Level 1 Trade)
x8 Bone Meal = x1 Emerald (Level 1 Trade)
x10 Emeralds + x1 Golden Apple = x1 Enchanted Golden Apple (Level 5 Trade)
x2 Emerald = x1 Bucket of Pufferfish (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x4 Raw Salmon (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x32 Kelp (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x8 Sea Pickle (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x8 Glow Lichen (Level 1 Trade)
x8 Emerald = x1 Axolotl in a Bucket (Level 4 Trade)
x11 Emerald = x1 Sponge (Level 5 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x9 String (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x5 Flint (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x16 Sticks (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x2 Oak Wood (Level 1 Trade)
Leather Worker
x1 Emerald = x3 Leather (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x12 Rabbit Hide (Level 1 Trade)
x20 Emerald = x1 Saddle (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x3 Books (Level 1 Trade)
x5 Emeralds = x1 Dragon Breath Potion (Level 5 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x4 Stonebrick (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x4 Brick Block (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x8 Scaffolding (Level 1 Trade)
x4 Emerald = x1 Obsidian (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x1 Wool (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x6 Fence (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x8 Torch (Level 1 Trade)
x5 Emeralds = x1 Respawn Anchor (Level 5 Trade)
Tool Smith
x1 Emerald = x3 Iron Ingot (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x7 Coal (Level 1 Trade)
x120 Emerald = x1 Ancient Debris (Level 5 Trade)
Weapon Smith
x1 Emerald = x3 Iron Ingot (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x7 Coal (Level 1 Trade)
x1 Emerald = x1 TNT (Level 3 Trade)
x15 Emerald = x1 Diamond (Level 5 Trade)
*Note that while this is my first ever created Minecraft mod, I have named this the 'Balanced Version' at all risk of getting comments telling me this mod is garbage and broken, etc, etc, becuase I think I'd like to upload a slightly differant version in the future that includes several additional items such as Blaze Rods, Netherwart, Random Potions, Shulker Boxes, Elytras, etc, but of course there is a significant risk that in allowing for easy acess to things such as Blaze Rods, one can techniqually then bypass the entirety of the nether, and get themselves right to the end of...well the End, without ever having to leave their starting village.
I may end up naming the future version that allows you to purchase game-skipping items, as a 'Speed-Run' Version, or some such. As for now, enjoy this mod! And let me know if the Ancient Debris and Sponges for sale are too broken! I'm sure you will anyway lol.
Complete and Utter Permission for anyone to include this in other modpacks, or use it in any capacity including building it into their own mod, or using it as a starting point to add on more trades for their own mod. You need to permission from me to do so, and I don't even require any crediting for it. I put down the License for this mod as 'Public Domain' so do with it as you will!