I present to you the light in the darkness – LIDAR Mod!
Foremost, it should be said that this mod has no clearly defined use in normal survival or in any mode, except for some adventure maps.
You are free to determine its usefulness in your game. I recommend to use it with mod Hardcore Darkness.
What is a LIDAR?
This is a special mod with a beautiful effect and possibly useful application. Here is a video about its capabilities:
What exactly does the mod:
By default, the mod adds 2 LIDARs: Silverhorn Trident (white) and Skippy (gold), which differ only in parameters in config. You can even create your own LIDAR variants with different settings, textures, and names using the same configuration file without any restrictions (below is a detailed explanation of each parameter).
When activated on the right mouse button, the LIDAR sends many invisible rays in the direction of the player's view. Each such ray, when it collides with an obstacle (a block or an entity), draws a special colored particle at the place of collision. These particles are clearly visible at any time of the day or night and even through blocks, and exist until they are overwritten due to reaching the vanilla Minecraft limit (the way to overcome this limit will be described below).
Configuration file:
This is what the default configuration of the LIDAR Mod looks like:
"maxAngleHeight": 90.0,
"maxAngleWidth": 90.0,
"length": 60.0,
"rowsCount": 50,
"columnsCount": 50,
"particleWidth": 0.0625,
"particleHeight": 0.0625,
"allDrawingTimeInTicks": 20,
"rotateEachParticle": false,
"useNormalRotation": true,
"displayName": "Silverhorn Trident",
"itemIdName": "lidar0",
"itemTextureURL": "file:///C:/Users/USER/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/config/LIDAR/texture1.png",
"removeOnCollideMob": false,
"removeOnCollideBlock": false,
"particleColorDependsOnPlayerPos": false,
"particleColorOnCollideMob": "0xff_00_00",
"collideLiquids": false,
"collidePlants", false,
"depthTestBetweenParticles": true
"maxAngleHeight": 90.0,
"maxAngleWidth": 90.0,
"length": 60.0,
"rowsCount": 50,
"columnsCount": 50,
"particleWidth": 0.0625,
"particleHeight": 0.0625,
"allDrawingTimeInTicks": 20,
"rotateEachParticle": false,
"useNormalRotation": false,
"displayName": "Skippy",
"itemIdName": "lidar1",
"itemTextureURL": "file:///C:/Users/USER/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/config/LIDAR/texture2.png",
"removeOnCollideMob": false,
"removeOnCollideBlock": false,
"particleColorDependsOnPlayerPos": true,
"particleColorOnCollideMob": "",
"collideLiquids": false,
"collidePlants", false,
"depthTestBetweenParticles": false
And here's what each parameter is responsible for:
maxAngleHeight — Angular height of ray drawing (in degrees)
maxAngleWidth — Angular width of ray drawing (in degrees)
length — Maximum distance where particles can appear (in blocks)
rowsCount — Count of drawing rows (vertically)
columnsCount — Count of drawing columns (horizontally)
particleWidth — Width of one particle (in blocks)
particleHeight — Height of one particle (in blocks)
allDrawingTimeInTicks — Total drawing time for all columns and rows (in ticks)
rotateEachParticle — Rotate particles along a drawing arc (only visible when particleWidth != particleHeight)
useNormalRotation — Enable the effect of vertical camera rotation on the drawing of particles
displayName — The name of the item displayed in the game (it can be anything you like)
itemIdName — Unique name of the item to register in the game (must be absolutely unique)
itemTextureURL — Absolute path to item texture (on the first startup, the default textures are automatically placed in the correct folder) or osual web URL like ""
removeOnCollideMob — Do not draw particles on mobs
removeOnCollideBlock — Do not draw particles on blocks
particleColorDependsOnPlayerPos — Changing the color of the particles depending on the distance from the player (closer – red, farther – blue)
particleMaxAge - age of particle in ticks (if less than 0 than it will live as long as it can). Particle will despawn anyways if particle limit reached.
particleColorOnCollideMob — The color of particles on mobs (Hex: "0xff_00_00", "#ff_00_00", "0xff0000", "#ff0000"; Dec: "16711680"). Only works if particleColorDependsOnPlayerPos = false
collideLiquids — Do not ignore liquids when drawing
ignorePlants — Ignore plants when drawing(for LIDAR version less then 0.2.1)
collidePlants — Do not ignore plants and some other blocks(torches, vines, cobweb, redstone dust etc) when drawing
depthTestBetweenParticles — Drawing the closest particles on top of the distant ones (increases the load on the client)
Overcoming the particle limit:
The maximum number of simultaneously existing particles in Minecraft is 4000. If this limit is reached, new particles replace the oldest ones.
Normally this behavior is not a problem (unless you play with several hundred mods), but the mechanics of working and the game experience with LIDAR directly depends on the number of available particles.
To solve this problem, we can use the functionality of the ASJCore by AlexSocol.
The procedure is as follows:
1. Place ASJCore, like any other mod, in your mods folder
2. In the ASJCore configuration file, increase the maxParticles parameter to the desired limit
3. Done! You can immerse the whole world in the beauty of particles