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This is an unofficial fork of Electro-Magic Tools made by TehNut and Tombenpotter and Uniffiacial Unofficial fork EMT mod made by Fewizz and TheSilentium. The mod received no official updates for year and was recently discontinued. TehNut allowed to everyone to fork and maintain the mod.

Electro-Magic Tools integrates Thaumcraft 6 with IndustrialCraft 2 by adding cross-mod tools and items, such as magic solar panels, essentia generators and legendary items.



Current features:

- Two new drills

- Two new chainsaws

- Omnitools!


- Wings mechanic


-Three new types of goggles of Revealing


-Three new types of boots of the Traveller

- 3 new types of essentia generators

- New solar panels including double and triple compressed versions

- Legendary items




- TehNut and Tombenpotter for creating and maintaining the mod.

- Fewizz and TheSilentium, who make Unofficial fork


Feel free to include this mod in your private or public modpack if you are link back to this page, but if you see updating please dowloand new version