

Harmony introduces new crafting recipes and items to allow you to obtain mob drops without killing said mob. This can be useful for a peaceful survival, or just to avoid the mob farming tedium. 


Recipes are listed below, and screenshots of said recipes can be found in the Images tab.

New Items:

Ender Powder - Shapeless: Redstone and Glowstone Dust

Plant Fiber - Shapeless: Wheat/Potato/Carrot/Beetroot/Cactus/Sugar Cane X2

Heat Core - Shaped: QTQ - TET - QTQ (Q: Nether Quartz - T: TNT - E: Emerald)

New Recipes:

String - Shapeless: Plant Fiber X2

Feather - Shaped: **S - *P* - S** (S: String - P: Plant Fiber - *: Empty)

Slime Block - Shaped: PPP - PWP - PPP (P: Plant Fiber - W: Water Bucket)

Spider Eye - Shapeless: Rotten Flesh - Red/Brown Mushroom

Blaze Rod - Shaped: III - III - *H* (I: Iron Ingot - H: Heat Core - *: Empty) (Creates 3)

Ghast Tear - Shaped: WWW - *H* - *** (W: Water Bucket - H: Heat Core - *: Empty) (Creates 3)

Ender Pearl - Shaped: PPP - PEP - PPP (P: Ender Powder - E: Emerald)

Shulker Shell - Shaped: PPP - PCP - PPP (P: Ender Powder - C: Chest)

Totem Of Undying - Shaped: EGE - GGG - GGG (E: Emerald - G: Gold Block)

Nether Star - Shaped: QHQ - HDH - QHQ (Q: Quartz Block - H: Heat Core - D: Diamond Block)

Prismarine Crystals - Shaped: GGG - SSS - GGG (G: Gravel - S: Sand)

Prismarine Shard - Shaped: SSS - GGG - SSS (S: Sand - G: Gravel)

Gunpowder - Furnace: Magma Block

Rotten Flesh - Furnace: Plant Fiber

Leather - Furnace: Rotten Flesh


Modpack Permissions

You have my permission to add this mod to any private modpacks. You also have my permission to add this to any public modpack if you do not make any money off of it. If you do make a public modpack, I'd love to get a link to it!


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I only upload my mods under this account. I do not grant permission for my files to be uploaded elsewhere. If you see my mods anywhere else, I am not responsible for them. If you'd like to write about my mods, please include a link back to the page of the mod.


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