Have you ever been in a situation where you tried to figure out how players on your server can ping you easily? IRC integration etc all work and this is an alternative if you use Slack.
The mod adds an easy one way integration with Slack using Slack's Incoming Web hooks. This mod is pure server side only. No need to be installed on the clients.
To set up, follow these steps:
- Create an Incoming webhook for your Slack at:
- Once created open the goatslack.cfg file and the following values:
- SlackBotEmoji -> What emoji should the bot use as it's Avatar?
- SlackBotName -> What is the bots name? Useful to identify your server
- SlackChannel -> What channel should the bot ping?
- SlackIncomingHookUrl -> The full URL as given by Slack to your web hook
All done, now users can send a message to an Admin by using
/pingadmin <message>
That's it :-)
This mod is free to use in any modpack, and on any server.