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Dimensional Control is not supported anymore. New features, bug fixes and updates to documentation/examples are very unlikely to happen. Check out Topography, Just Enough Dimensions and Random Portals. They might have what you need!

Tired of your worlds all being the same? The same boring dimensions over and over again? Dimensional Control is a tool created by the team at Blood N Bones Gaming in an attempt to give modpack makers more control over the overworld as well as the ability to create their own customized dimensions.

This mod allows you to:

  • Replace blocks
  • Disable map gen like caves, ravines and structures
  • Configure biome map generation
  • Modify terrain generation
  • and so much more

Combined with other mods such as COFHCore and BiomeTweaker for a level of customization in your packs far beyond the current possibilities!

Requires BNBGamingLib v2.4.1 or higher to also be installed.

Most options on 1.12 also require BNBGamingCore to be installed.

Please use the issue link above to report issues.
Full documentation is shipped with the mod. Simply load Minecraft and check config/dimensionalcontrol/documentation.

Documentation for the 1.7.10 versions can be found on the wiki link.


FAQ and Discussion available on our Minecraft Forum thread.

We also have a Discord server.

We also have a Twitch App channel.