

Important! All DerKaterCore functionality is fully merged with ASJCore by AlexSocol. So do not expect any updates in this project. If you have any questions, please write to the ASJCore issues section or contact KAIIIAK on this Discord server.


This core change the access of all fields and methods that it can to PUBLIC in runtime.
Add some new API of writing transformers by extending KASMWorker rewriting methods that it has, doing "changes++;" any time change was made and registering the worker by KASMLib.register(new YourWorker()); inside the FMLCorePlugin

Allows to use fields that are private while compiling by ReflectionLikeUtil.


ReflectionLikeUtil.SETFIELD(obj, 1, "tek/Gde.tut.Ljava/lang/Object;");// will be changed into "obj.tut = 1:" where obj is a type of tek.Gde and tut is a type of java.lang.Object

Adds a way to not do null checks by class Opt.


List<String> listS = null;
for(String s: Opt.it(listS)) {}// THIS will not throw NullPointerExeption

Object o = null;
Opt.it(o,o1 -> System.out.println("o is not null"));// will print "o is not null" only if o is not null in other case do nothing