An addon for CustomNPC and EpicFight that allows you to use various EpicFight combat configurations on your NPCs
CNPC-EpicFight-Addon is an addon for CustomNPCs-Unofficial and EpicFight. So in order to use it, you need to have those two mods installed.
If you are using the 1.20.1-20.8.x version of CNPC-EF-Integration, make sure to use 20.8.x EpicFight version and EF-Indestructible 20.8.x (Optional).
If you are using the 1.20.1-20.7.x version of CNPC-EF-Integration, make sure to use 20.7.x EpicFight version and EF-Indestructible 20.7.x (Optional).
If you are using the 1.18.2 version of CNPC-EF-Integration, make sure to use 0803 CustomNPC snapshot from Noppes's discord.
If you are using the 1.16.5-0515 version of CNPC-EF-Integration, make sure to use 0515 CustomNPC version from the CustomNPCs CurseForge page.
If you are using the 1.16.5-0728 version of CNPC-EF-Integration, make sure to use 0728 CustomNPC snapshot from Noppes's discord.
This mod is also compatible with EpicFight-Indestructible mod, so you can also use combat configurations made for that mod on your NPCs.
- The ability to select separate fight configurations for each npc
- The ability to trigger EpicFight animations via scripts
Comming soon:
- A special npc scripting even that gets triggered every time an animation is played by NPC
- The ability to add custom animations via datapacks
- The ability to add custom weapon categories via datapacks