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Z-Perl has been released for Classic and Burning Crusade Classic, if you can't find it in the Twitch Client on your addon list click on the `Get more addons` tab and search for Z-Perl, then you can install it from there.
If you are experiencing FPS issues on RETAIL i suggest to disable buffs and debuff for the targettarget or targettargettarget frames. The game isn't really capable handling buffs/debuffs in a spammy environment, such as the new-era World of Warcraft expansions.
How to transfer your profiles from X-Perl?
- First of all create a backup from your "WowInstall/Interface" and "WowInstall/Wtf" folders first, just to be safe.
- Then start the game and enable the main "X-Perl Unitframes" module (Redownload it if you have to), but disable all of it's other modules like this, then log into the game, and reload you ui once with the "/reload" command or just simply log out and log in.
- Then log out and make sure to disable X-Perl Unitframes or just simply delete it and all of it's modules from the "WowInstall/Interface/AddOns" folder.
The original project: http:www.wowace.com/addons/xperl/
Perl, with Extra stuff. Much enchanced from Nymbia's Perl UnitFrames, and a complete replacement for Blizzard's default unit frames, including raid frames and raid tools, with little remaining of the original Nymbia code.
- Range Finder (combined with optional health check and/or debuff check) for all frames based on spell or item range test.
- Heal Over Time Monitor will highlight units clearly that have ''your own'' active Heal over Time spells. Regardless of how many other heal over time buffs are on the raid members, you can keep track of your own ones and when they expire.
- Debuff Highlighting in standard debuff colours on all friendly frames. Priority given to show debuffs that ''you'' can cure first.
- Raid Frames, buff icons, MT list units and some other portions or Z-Perl are Created on demand. Saving a lot of time and memory at system startup. Defering the creation of many parts of Z-Perl to when they are actually required. And of course, most often outside of raids they are never required and are never created.
- Raid Target icon support for Target, Target's Target, MT Targets.
- Raid Tooltip will show combat rezzers available (druids with Rebirth ready (or very soon available) and any normal rezzers out of combat) if you bring up tooltip of a dead person.
- In-combat indicators for all units.
- 3D Portraits for player, pet, target, focus, party. Optional. Of course this may degrade your framerate somewhat because you are displaying more 3D character models that without this option. But some like it pretty, and it does look cool.
- Red and Green combat flashes for frames when player, pet, target, party, partypets, raid take damage/heals. Useful indication of things happening.
- Added '''time left''' on party member/target buffs/debuffs when in a raid, these depend somewhat on CTRA sending appropriate information over the addon channel, although some of it can be determined at run time by Z-Perl, when a player gets a buff for example, we know how long it should last, and therefor when it should expire.
- Totally new options window including all Z-Perl options and access via minimap icon and the /zperl splash command.
- Configurable colours for borders and backgrounds. Including class coloured names, and configurable reaction colours. Much care has been taken with code size, memory load, memory usage per cycle and so on. LuaProfiler/OnEvent mods used extensively and regularly to ensure that Z-Perl does not do more work than is absolutely necessary.
Assists View
Will show anyone from raid assising you with your target, and can also show healers or all plus known enemies targetting you.
Tooltips for the same also available (on player and target frames) if you prefer to not use the main window.
MT Targets
Replaces CTRA MT Targets window, and doubles as a replacement for the Perl RaidFrames warrior targets.
Indicator shows which target you are on.
Frames will be coloured to show if tanks have duplicate targets.
Casting Monitor
Shows selected classes (defaults to healer classes) in a list (much like the MT List), but with some differences.
Shows mana bars and cast bars on left. Their targets on right. Health bar as normal, but a secondary small red bar on targets which shows the maximum single hit this unit has received since entering combat. The secondary bar will extend downwards from their current HP level down to as far as zero.
A green name on the targets indicates this is the same target that you have. You can click on casters or their targets as expected.
For druids, right clicking on a caster will cast Innervate on them.
All bars can be re-sized in Z-Perl main options (Monitor section).
Totals can be toggled (from the 'T' minibutton at top of frame) which gives overview of raid mana status.
Raid Admin
Save/Load raid roster setups Only does direct save and load for the moment, but more to come (templates and such).
Item Check
Replacement for /raitem /radur /raresist /rareg. Use the old commands before, or drop items in the left item list.
Query button will perform /raitem on all ticked items (query always includes dur and resists) and you can then view and review all the results whenever, without having to re-query each item.
Includes everyone in raid, so you don't have to work out who doesn't have items, it'll list them with 0 instead of no entry.
Active Scanner to check raid member's equipment for the item selected. So you can be sure that people actually have the item worn (Onyxia Cloak for example), without having to go round single target inspecting everyone who 'forgot' to install CTRA for the 50th raid in a row.