

Tracks gold progression on your characters and provides a detailed breakdown of gold earnings.

NOTE: This is NOT a Databroker (LibDataBroker) addon. It provides it's own frames and remembers positioning.

This addon has a configuration screen that can be access using WOW Menu -> Interface -> Addons. It also supports localization for other languages. Please donate your language locale files!

The addon button frame displays the following:

Current Session:

  • Total Earned = Total positive gold earned
  • Total Spent = Total negative gold spent
  • Net Profit = Difference in +/- based on Earned and Spent.
  • Last Transaction = Last recorded +/- gold transaction.
  • Quest Rewards = Gold earned in quest rewards.
  • Taxi Fares = Gold spent on in game taxi's such as flight paths.
  • Looted = Gold earned by looting monsters.
  • Repairs = Gold spent on repairs
  • Merchant = Gold +/- at merchant/vendors.
  • Gold/Sec = Estimated gold earned by the Second.
  • Gold/Minute = Estimated gold earned by the Minute.
  • Gold/Hour = Estimated gold earned by the Hour.

Character Lifetime:

  • Total Earned = Total positive gold earned
  • Total Spent = Total negative gold spent
  • Net Profit = Difference in +/- based on Earned and Spent.
  • Last Transaction = Last recorded +/- gold transaction.
  • Quest Rewards = Gold earned in quest rewards.
  • Taxi Fares = Gold spent on in game taxi's such as flight paths.
  • Looted = Gold earned by looting monsters.
  • Repairs = Gold spent on repairs
  • Merchant = Gold +/- at merchant/vendors.

Slash Commands:

  • /xgm reset -- resets window position to the center of the screen
  • /xgm bg -- shows/hides the background of the window
  • /xgm scale # -- changes the scale of the xanGoldMine frame.
  • /xgm total -- Toggle between [Total Earned] instead of [Net Profit] as button text.
  • /xgm color -- Toggle between [WHITE] instead of [YELLOW] tooltip color.

To move the xanGoldMine window:

  • Hold SHIFT and DRAG the window around. (That's shift+leftclick)

This mod is extremely lightweight and small. The window can be dragged around and it will remember the position.



I'm disabling comments here. It's difficult to follow with so many addons on different wow addon websites.

Also because people keep posting bugs in the comments instead of issue tickets.







PLEASE report bugs at my Github tracker.
