- Addons
- 344,075
Tracks player taunts and displays who they taunted, what ability they used to taunt, and if it failed in some way.
Supported Taunt Versions
Latest WoW versions now supported!
Mainline and Classic
- The War Within
- Cataclysm
Full Taunt list on GitHub - https://github.com/Davie3/who-taunted
Help localize here on Curseforge! - https://legacy.curseforge.com/wow/addons/who-taunted/localization
Questions, Comments, Problems, Suggestions?
Feel free to post any of these right here! Please post any serious problems or bugs on GitHub - https://github.com/Davie3/who-taunted/issues
Recent Change Log
Full changelog on GitHub - https://github.com/Davie3/who-taunted