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Ulduar Patch messed up your totem slots, you have to redo your multicast sets once.



If you want to remove a totem from the multicast spells (Call of Elements etc.) ctrl-rightclick the totem timer.


If you want to use the default totem bar, you have to disable the multicast button (Settings -> Timers -> Multicast Button), as using both at the same time doesn't work very well.


TotemTimers for WoW Classic


This show timers for totems, Reincarnation, Lightning Shield and weapon buffs.

Also shows cooldowns of spells used in combat for BC and WOTLK, as well as a extra bar with cooldowns longer than one minute, Flame Shock debuff duration and Maelstrom timer.


Each totem timer has a flyout menu. Leftclicking a totem casts that totem. Rightclicking a totem sets that totem as default for the timer, clicking the timer than casts that totem without having to use the menu.
The large icon shows the current active totem, the small icon shows the default totem for a timer.

All default totems are added to a castsquence macro named "TT Cast" in your character specific macros.

In WOTLK, totems are also assigned to the multicast spells (Call of Elements etc.).


If you rightclick the ankh timer, you can save your current default totems as a set. You then have a menu to switch between sets. These also work with the multicast spells in WOTLK.