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● Shows active totems and time until expiry

● Timer blinks red when totem is about to expire

● Optional sound notifications for when totem is expiring (only while in combat) or is destroyed

● Shows how many units are affected by each totem (N/A to totems that don't provide a buff, e.g. Tremor, Poison Cleansing, ..)

● Supports displaying affected count for Windfury Totem using the WF_STATUS standard (melee dps should install a compatible weakaura or addon  - see https://wago.io/6lkNDc0xP)

● Affected units number is green or red based on if all reasonable beneficiaries of each totem receive the buff

● Supports Enamored Water Spirit trinket

● Shows health bar for stoneclaw totem (only valid when within 50 yd of totem)

● Shows suggested totems to use when battling the selected raid boss

● UI very customizable (totem order, color, transparency, size, font, frames, etc). Also supports Masque skins


Q: I changed some UI settings and can no longer see TotemStatus. How do I get it back?

A: You can always use the command "/totemstatus reset" to reset all settings to their defaults and bring the frame back to the center of your screen.

Q: What about pulse timers?

A: I have tested pulse timers but the fact is the pulse intervals are quite unreliable. They can vary from somewhat unreliable (Poison Cleansing Totem +- 600ms) to very unreliable (Windfury Totem +- 1.5sec) to seemingly quite random (Tremor Totem). If implemented this feature would be nowhere near reliable/useful due to how totem pulses work in-game so I don't see much use for it.

Q: How do the affected count colors work?

A: For most totems the number will be green if all people who can reasonably benefit from the totem are in range and receive the buff, or red if one or more aren't in range and don't receive the buff. For example for Mana Spring Totem every class in the party who uses mana needs to be in range for the number to be green. Classes that don't use mana can't benefit from it so they are disregarded. As another example, for Strength of Earth Totem all melee dps classes (warrior, rogue, druid, shaman) need to be in range (for Grace of Air it would be all melee classes + hunters). Everyone can benefit from fire/frost/nature resistance totems so to get a green number for any of those every member of the party needs to be in range.

The only special cases here are the weapon enchant totems, namely Windury and Flametongue totem. To see if your party members have the enchant from either they need to install an addon or weakaura to communicate weapon enchant info to TotemStatus (see description above). For Windfury and Flametongue Totem you can expect to see: 1. "—" = meaning nobody in the party has the required weakaura/addon installed, 2: Red number = one or more melee dps does not have windfury/flametongue, 3: Green number = all melee dps have windfury/flametongue, 4: Blue number = at least one person of any class in your party has the correct weakaura/addon installed, but one or more melee dps do not have it installed so we cannot determine if they all have windfury/flametongue or not.



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