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Feb. 15, 2021:

Lunar Festival is no longer a separate addon.  It is now being maintained as a small part of the main TomCat's Tours addon.  The below information is being provided as a convenience only and likely to become outdated while the main addon goes through changes.


The remainder of this page is the original addon description as it existed since 2019.


TomCat's Tours: Lunar Festival makes it quick and easy to collect your coins of ancestry


  • NEW: Work-around for a Blizzard issue that often prevents the zone minimap (AKA battlefield map or Shift-M map) from changing maps when you change areas
  • NEW: TomTom Integration - click to add waypoints
  • NEW: Zone phase detection and tooltip to remind you to visit Zidormi. Active for Silithus and Darkshore - other zones coming after some testing All phasing zones setup
  • Icons showing where each elder is on the map
  • Icons on the flight map (Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms)
  • Icons enabled for the battlefield map (zone minimap) - you can keep it on screen all the time
  • Icon for the location of the portals to Cataclysm zones so you don't forget these guys!
  • Pathways drawn on the map for some of the more difficult to find elders
  • Instant quest completion and opening of red envelopes whenever you click on an elder


Map Icons and Paths



Lunar Festival News 


Addon Usage


Just Click the Elder ... then instantly:


  • The quest is completed
  • You receive your quest rewards
  • The Lucky Red Envelope is opened and looted