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Titan Panel Classic [Recommended Zone] is a plugin to Titan Panel Classic that shows the level range of the zone you are in and also a recommendation of zones and instances that are good for your current level. It can also show you on what continent the zone is located and the zone PvP faction. It will only recommend zones that are of your own faction or contested.
Displays a color coded zone range for the zones:
* Red: Too high for you
* Orange: A bit high for you
* Yellow: Perfect for you
* Green: A bit too low for you
* Gray: Too low for you
Displays color coded continent name:
* Green: The continent you are currently on.
* Yellow: The other continent.
Displays color coded pvp zone faction:
* Green: Zone owned by your faction.
* Yellow: Contested zone.
Also the tooltip gives you a quick reference, on what zones and instances are good for your level.
World map also has this information, when rolling over zones you will get the level range for the zone and if there are any instances in that zone. It can also show you in what zone the instance is located and if it is a battleground or a raid zone.
* Select if you wish to see instances in the current zone.
* Select if you wish to see the faction of the zone. Alliance, Horde or Contested
* Select if you wish to see what continent a zone is on
* Select if you wish to have instances recommended.
* Select if you wish to have battlegrounds recommended.
* Select if you wish to have raid instances recommended.
* Select if you wish to see what zone an instance is located in.
* Select if you wish to the text color coded.
* Select if you wish it to recommend slightly lower level zones also
* Select if you wish it to recommend slightly higher level zones also