- Addons
- 1,117,926
Multiple talent settings will be saved without limitation.
- Save your current selection of Talent combinations as many as you like.
- You can save your selection even if you have not used up all of your points.
- This addon does not save action bar settings. If you want change action bar, use [known] macro.
- The first double-click loads the settings. double-click again to apply changes.
- (Ver.1.4.1) Also saves selected PvP Talent.
- (Ver.2.0.4) Create group, Export, Ignorable PvP Talent.
- (Ver.2.1.1) Multiple data import/export.
- https://wago.io/82fEi1272
- View selected config via Talent loadout Ex.
- To prevent taint to the action bar, the icon will not appear until the talent screen is displayed.
- Icons can be searched on the editing screen.
- Some users have reported that the UI is broken when used with ElvUI.
- Also, I have confirmed that there is no problem when using ElvUI alone (i.e., not using skins together).
- For these reasons, I am aware that skins are the cause of the broken UI, and I do not plan to do anything about it in this addon.
- Please identify the skin that is causing the issue and contact its developer.
Known Issue
ListView is empty
- After (re)loading, the config and create new buttons may not appear on the first display.
- Once the talent screen is closed and reopened, it is displayed correctly.
- This issue is currently under investigation.
Taint Error
I know there have been reports of errors regarding the action bar.
4x [ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN] AddOn 'TalentLoadoutsEx' tried to call the protected function 'xxxxxx()'.
When applying a talent from an addon, taint is occurring due to the following. https://github.com/Stanzilla/WoWUIBugs/issues/447
The workaround is to click the default button (Apply Changes) instead of double-clicking to apply.
How to apply from addon without causing taint is under investigation. If there are too many reports of problems, I will unfortunately discontinue the ability to apply from addon.
If you encounter taint errors with other procedures, please let us know the following information.
- Data on which taint occurred.
- Required. Without it, the survey cannot be conducted.
- Or you can provide taint.log file.
- The version of Talent Loadout Ex in which the error occurred.
- And the version in which the error did not occur. (if exists).
- Steps to reproduce the error.
- Other addons that were in use at the same time the error occurred (the fewer, the easier to research)
- How to reproduce the error (Class/Spec/Talent/Action and more)
- Error details (obtained via BugGrabber, etc.)