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SmartDebuff Reloaded
SmartDebuff is an addon that shows additionnal party frames for debuff casting.
Reloaded from the well known, but abandonned SmartDebuff
- Checks debuffs on you, raid/party members, raid/party pets
- Possible quick actions (blue "L" for Left click): dispel debuffed member, or cc Charmed one.
- Shows HP, Mana, AFK, offline, aggro state
- Shows class colors
- Sorted by groups or classes
- Choose your favorite debuff hightlight colors
- Choose opacity
- Sound reminder
- Target mode (like raid unit frames)
- Configurable shortcuts ([K] bouton)
- Supports all classes and dispel talents
- Available for all flavors: Retail, Cataclysm, Classic
Slash Commands
Type /sdb for SmartDebuff frame in game
Type /sdb [command] or /smartdebuff [command] in game
options - Show/hide SmartDebuff options frame
ris # - Raid icon size # = 4-64
bsx # - Button space X # = 0-16
bsy # - Button space Y # = 0-16
tm # - Test mode # = number of test buttons
rafp - Reset all frame positions
Type /sdb for SmartDebuff options frame in game
Q: How can I move the frames?
A: Use Shift-Left click and drag them arround
Q: My SmartDebuff frame is gone, how I get it back?
A: Type in the chat "/sdbo" or "/sdbm", if the options menu not opens SmartDebuff is not enabled, type "/sdb rafp" to reset all frame positions.
Q: I use the "Auto hide" feature, but now SmartDebuff is hidden till combat, how I can configure it?
A: Type in the chat "/sdbo" or "/sdbm" the options menu will displayed and the unit buttons also.
Kallye (EU-Elune)
Cloned from Aeldra