SmartBuff - Retail & Classic Clients will start downloading in 5 seconds...
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SmartBuff - Retail, Classic ERA, WOTLK and SoM
Whats this addon do?
SmartBuff is a buff addon, to cast buffs easily and quickly, all classes are supported. Bind a key, scrollwheel or use the action button and it checks if you, a party/raid member or a hunter and warlock pet needs your buff and casts it. If you are still unsure I have created a video demonstration here.
Use the options menu to configure it you like, as example: buffs, raid subgroups, pets, etc. - run the mod whenever you wish, if nothing is buffed, there is no penalty or cool down.
- Supports all classes
- Checks buffs and rebuffs you, raid/party members, raid/party pets and assigned tanks using the action button, mapped key or by scrolling your mouse.
- Setup your own buff templates (Solo, Party, Raid, Battleground, MC, Ony, BWL, AQ, ZG, Custom 1-5)
- Auto switch templates when playing solo, joining a party or raid.
- Individual setup for each buff & toys - toys are only available in the retail version.
- Choose to show/hide toys in the available list (retail version)
- Supports group buffs incl. group size and reagence check where applicable.
- Supports class buffs: all greater blessings of the Paladin
- Supports self buffs
- Supports weapon buffs (individual for main and off hand): Shaman, all poisons (Rogue), all stones and oils, incl. reagence check
- Supports character level based buffs
- Supports tracking abilities
- Auto switch between gathering tracking abilities such as Find Herbs, Find Minerals and Find Fish (Classic only)
- Reminder if a buff is missing (Splash/chat/sounds) and choose to disable checking while mounted
- In combat fishing rod warning.. you know youve done it before :)
- Support for summon pets and revive pet on hunter.
- ReBuff Timer
- FuBar / Bazooka support
- Titan Panel support
- Only one key is needed
- Fast and easy to use
Minimap button:
Left click: opens SmartBuff options frame
Right click: enables/disables SmartBuff
Chat Commands:
Type /sbm for options menu in game
Type /sb [command] or /smartbuff [command] in game:
- toggle - Toggles SmartBuff On/Off
- menu - Show/hide options menu
- target - buffs the current target
- rbt - reset buff timers
- sync - synchronizes the buff time left with the UI
- rafp - reset all frame positions
- zoom - toggle behaviour of the scroll mouse, default setting prevents camera zoom when applying missing buffs.
If you would like to use Smartbuff in a macro you can use: /click SmartBuff_KeyButton
Options Frame
Right click on buff checkbox: opens buff setup frame
Video Demonstration
I have prepared a quick video demonstration on how to setup the addon and how everything works.
Please feel free to join my Discord and keep updated with the latest info on any of my addons.
You can also find me streaming on Twitch so why not drop in and say hello!
GitHub Repository
In most cases the repository will contain more recent code, this is due to me testing before releasing to Curse, you can find the wotlk source here and the retail version here.
Original version credit goes to Aeldra (EU-Proudmoore).