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Ever wanted to replace that giant scoreboard on battlegrounds with something that will take less space and allow you to easily see your stats? Then I've got you covered.
Simple BG Score is an addon that will show you relatively small window with all your BG/Arena stats instead of default scoreboard. Also it can be moved anywhere on screen by simple drag & drop.
If you will have a desire to view the full scoreboard just click "Show All" button on it and default scoreboard will be shown. Addon is using only Blizzard default strings so it should be localized for every language available in WoW. Also has a native support of ElvUI and Tukui styles.
So what does it show exactly:
- BG/Arena status - e.g. "Alliance Won", "Horde Won", "Green Team Won", "Battle in Progress". etc
- Honorable kills count
- Killing blows
- Deaths
- Damage done
- Healing done
- Honor earned
- Whatever objectives current BG have
Also button to show full scoreboard and leave BG/Arena. Still need testing on Arenas cause I currently have no friends willing to be beaten up there.
Comments are disabled due to the fact I don't really have time to read those. All support is provided via ticket system.