What is SignOn?
This addon allows you to customise the signon/signoff messages for friends and guildies as they see fit.
So instead of putting up with
"Ethan has come online."
You could change it to:
"Guild Master Ethan, a level 80 Mage, has logged into the game", or
"Oh god, here comes Guild Master Ethan...", or
"Ethan is here! I wonder if he wants to do Heroic Deadmines..." or whatever you fancy.
This addon has been translated in English, Russian and Simplified Chinese. If you fancy a spot of translating, click here to see what needs translating.
Real ID support probably won't be added to this mod. Check out RealID Toons.
How to configure?
Options are found in Interface Options -> AddOns -> SignOn, or by typing /signon into your chatbox.
You can choose to have the user's name, level, class, alts/main, zone, guild rank or guild note anywhere in the message (or not, if you like).
You can use tags to choose where you want certain information to be shown.
Acceptable tags are: &name, &level, &class, &alts, &zone, &rank and ¬e. The addon will assume anything else will be part of the message text.
&alts will return a the name of an alt's main character, a list of alts if it is the main character, or nothing if no data was found.
You can also add colour and brackets to your text using flags, e.g. &name:green:square.
Acceptable colour flags are :random, :custom, :class, :green, :red, :blue, :pink, :cyan, :yellow, :white, and :orange.
Acceptable bracket flags are :bracket, :square and :angle.
The :random flag follows the same rules of Prat-3.0's "random" name colouring, and does not require it to be installed.
The :custom flag allows you to choose any colour you like using the new swatch in the options frame. Any text with :custom attached to it becomes that colour (default is grey).
I r haz other chat mods!
SignOn has been tested and is compatible with Prat 3.0, Chatter and Phanx Chat.
SignOn is not compatible with Guild2Guild.
This addon should not interfere with GuildGreet and similar, it does not modify anything other than the text shown to the user.
I see only darkness...
Please direct all feedback, bug reports and feature requests to the issues hub.