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Saved Dungeons & Raids
Releases | Milestones | Known Issues
Saved Dungeons & Raids is a World of Warcraft addon that enhances the Group Finder UI, providing a convenient and user-friendly way to view and manage a player's saved dungeons and raids. It adds a log and additional details to the Group Finder UI, displaying comprehensive information about the dungeons and raids that the player is currently saved to, including the number of bosses killed. This addon improves the default game functionality and helps players easily track their progress and availability for group activities.
Automatic Reporting
When the Looking For Group frame is activated, information about completed dungeons and raids will be displayed in the console.
Command Line
An option on the command line doth allow one to bring forth a report in the console of the saved instance information belonging to the player via /sdnr list
Highlight Saved
An option to highlight instances (dungeons & raids) that have already been completed in the Looking-For-Group activity list.
Supported Locales
- English, German, Spanish (EU and Latin America)
Upcoming Features
Enhancement Frame
A new option to display a frame containing the saved instance information side-by-side when the LFG Frame is shown.
Highlight Dailies
An option to highlight daily dungeons (heroic and normal)
Author Notes
- Please submit bugs and feature requests at Github/ActionbarPlus/issues
- Milestones
- Releases
- About the Author (Tony Lagnada)
As a software engineer, I am passionate about this project and have dedicated a significant amount of time and effort to creating a high-quality product. If you enjoy using this World of Warcraft add-on, please consider supporting me through a donation via Paypal™ or the Bitcoin Address provided below. Your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your generosity.