


As you wander around Azeroth, your reputation bar will switch depending on where you are, not by which quest gave you a faction bump.


  • Zones by faction: Stormwind, Darkspear Trolls, Gnomeregan Exiles, Orgrimmar, etc.
  • Instances by faction: Hydraxian Waterlords, Brood of Nozdormu, etc
  • Battlegrounds by faction: Silverpike Guard, Warsong Outriders, etc
  • Subzones by faction: several little areas in various zones have pockets of faction hubs
  • WoD Bodyguards' reputations can be watched instead of zone reputations
  • Cataclysm and retail support equipped capital city tabards while in dungeons
  • Option to stop watching capital city tabard factions at Exalted
  • Toggle on/off switching watched factions while you are taking taxi flights
  • If you haven't discovered a zone reputation or there isn't one, select a default fallback watched reputation

Open the options

  • /rbz
  • /repbyzone
  • ESC, Interface, AddOns, RepByZone


RepByZone can be localized using Curseforge's online localization URL.

Bug Reports

If you encountered an error, file a report on GitHub and I will be notified.

Known Issues

  • It is not possible to display zone or subzone data for reputations the character has not yet discovered. Once a character gains or loses any amount of reputation with that faction and moves around the zone, RBZ will update.
  • Discovering the faction may require the character to explore other zones or even continents, then kill mobs or do quests for the faction.