

Quest TTS

World of Warcraft addon that use the 9.1 TTS api to read quests text (out loud), right click on the play button to open the settings.


  • /qtts play: Start reading the quest
  • /qtts stop: Stop reading the quest
  • /qtts settings: Open the settings panel


How can I add additional voices?

The add-on already lists all the installed voices in the system, if you manage to find some free third party voices you can try to install them and if they are compatible they should appear in the list. Unfortunately the availability of the voices is something out of the scope of the add-on.

For anyone who would like to use Natural voices (those used by Windows Narrator), check this


I used this to add more voices (saw many others that search for that)

However keep in mind that that has nothing to do with the addon. Adding the voices there make them to be usable for other programs on windows. So WoW can load it which means the addon can use it too.

(but be carefull when adding things to your registry - you CAN produce problems there for you)


The TTS randomly stops working

It could be the windows TTS process not being active. Opening the "Speech" settings in Windows should fix the problem (credits: BiktiBikti)


Donators Hall of Fame

  • Jeremy M. (20€)
  • James M. (5€)
