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This addon enables announcement of quest progress in the party chat.
This enables party members to easily track the progress of each others quests.
Slash Commands
Use /qc to toggle addon on/off
Use /qc <number> to change throttling
The on/off and throttling settings are all stored on a per character basis.
If throttling is set to X, you will only send every X progress message.
You will always send the first and last message no matter what throttling is set to.
If throttle is set to 2 the quest "Bloodscalp Ears" would send the following.
- Bloodscalp Ear: 1/15
- Bloodscalp Ear: 2/15
- Bloodscalp Ear: 4/15
- Bloodscalp Ear: 6/15
- Bloodscalp Ear: 8/15
- Bloodscalp Ear: 10/15
- Bloodscalp Ear: 12/15
- Bloodscalp Ear: 14/15
- Bloodscalp Ear: 15/15
If throttle is set to 6 the quest "Bloodscalp Ears" would send the following.
- Bloodscalp Ear: 1/15
- Bloodscalp Ear: 6/15
- Bloodscalp Ear: 12/15
- Bloodscalp Ear: 15/15
If throttle is set to 100 the quest "Bloodscalp Ears" would send the following.
- Bloodscalp Ear: 1/15
- Bloodscalp Ear: 15/15