

Welcome Back Premade Group Finder!
Made finding groups quick and easy!


I have done a total rework of the addon and added a bunch of new features to improve the QoL but also functionality of Blizzards Premade Groups! Making filtering and finding specific groups for your needs a lot more convenient.

  • General
  • Blizzard only allows searches every ~3s so disabled the search functionality to avoid reaching the ERROR_STATE where no groups are shown.
  • Auto sign up with configurable what role you want to sign up as simply just left click a group to sign up.
  • Right click on a group when viewing raids and you can select to send your raid achievement for that specific raid to the leader (Prio goes: CE, Mythic Bosses in progress order, AOTC; Normal Clear).
  • You can always see the compositions even when signed up.
  • Added some information on how blizzard displays results.
  • Added a text with how many available results and how long it took to filter.
  • Merged PGF UI and Blizzard UI.
  • Extended the ResultsInset window.
  • Possibility to set a description which is used for continuous sign ups.
  • Ability to browse groups when in a group already even when you are not the leader!
  • Dungeons
  • Added filtering on dungeon difficulty as well as specific dungeons for each difficulty.
  • Added filtering for leader score (you can hide all groups where the leader has less than X score).
  • Improved the sort functionality: 1. Your applications 2. Bnet Friends/Ingame Friends/Guildmates 3. Groups your group are eligible for in terms of roles 4. Age, putting newer groups further up.
  • Added the leaders score to the group name with coloring.
  • You can see what spec everyone is in the group even before you join in the group listing.
  • Raids
    • Added filtering on raid difficulty or ALL as well as specific bosses for each difficulty.
    • Added SMART logic for figuring out if the raid is on the boss you are filtering on currently or are 1 boss away, exception for broodkeeper due to skip being possible so being very generous with groups on this

    Special thanks to:
    • All you awesome users, really appreciate your feedback and ideas <3
    Contact me in-game: Ant on Kazzak or Antmage on Ragnaros for troubleshooting or questions