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Find upgrades, do more damage, win.

Pawn helps you find upgrades for your gear and tell which of two items is better for your spec.  Start with built-in advice from Ask Mr. Robot, or customize Pawn's stat weights to have it suggest items based on your favorite class guide or simulator.  Pawn can help you decide whether it's better to use the cloak with 100 mastery or the one with 80 crit—whether you're just starting out, or you're an advanced player who plans out gear upgrades and regularly simulates and evaluates performance.

If you're new to Pawn, don't worry—Pawn will automatically set itself up to give you advice based on math done by the experts at Ask Mr. Robot (or, on Classic versions, HawsJon).  Just watch for Pawn's green arrows.  If you decide you want to go further, there are a lot of ways that you can customize Pawn, by tracking multiple specs at once, importing custom stat weights, and more.

Staying in touch

Become a fan of Vger on Facebook and get updates of new versions and stuff like that. You can also leave questions or comments there if you don't have an account on this site.

Found a bug?

If something doesn't seem to be working right, just leave a comment here. In addition to a description of the problem, please make sure to include: (1) the language that you play WoW in, (2) whether it's Dragonflight, Classic Era, Cataclysm Classic, etc., (3) the specific items that don't work as expected, and (4) your class and spec if you're using the built-in (not custom) stat weights. If you Alt+LeftClick on an item popup (whisper the item to yourself), you'll see a little window that lets you copy and paste text—at the bottom of that text is a command like "/pawn tooltip 12345:67..." and if you paste that command here for me, I can usually recreate the exact problem on my computer. That's the most helpful thing you can do for me it the problem is related to a specific item. Screenshots are always great too.