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oRA3 is open source and development is done on GitHub. You can contribute code, localization, and report issues at


  • Durability and Latency checks for everyone running oRA3 in a raid.
  • Gear (item level, missing gems, missing enchants) and Zone checks.
  • Battle Resurrection monitor for raid encounters.
  • Flexible cooldown monitor for just about every spell with a cooldown.
  • Invites based on guild rank, zone, or keyword.
  • Custom tank list in addition to players assigned to tank or mainktank in the group.
  • Promoting to raid assistant based on guild rank, a list of names, or just everyone.
  • Intelligent ready check window that will display a divider bar between groups report based on instance difficulty.
  • Automatically set loot settings when starting a party or raid.
  • Tunable raid alerts to chat about taunts, threat misdirects, cc breakage, resurrections, dispels, and cast interrupts.
  • Consumable check for your raid members.


You can report issues on GitHub or contact us on Discord.