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Helpful addon for raiders, especially for raid leaders and officers.

Modules: Raid Cooldowns, Notes, Reminders, Visual Notes, Battle Resurrection icon, Fight/combat log, Raid Inspect Viewer, Raid Check, Invite Tools, Timers, Raid Attendance, Encounters Statistics, Saving log (autologging), Marks Bar, Permanent Marks, Loot to chat, Who pulled, WeakAuras checker, Raid Groups Saver




Raid Cooldowns

Module tracks all raid's cooldowns and displays them using customizable bars. Works with:

  • Talents
  • Glyphs
  • Spell charges
  • Raid batlle resurrection
  • Tier sets
  • Spells-dispells
  • Racial spells
  • Trinkets & items
  • Pet's spells
  • Custom spells

Raid Cooldowns    


Userful text messages during fight. You can quickly setup them via timeline or assignments.



Shows note in your UI, that can be sent to all raidmembers


Fight log

Module saves most data of the fight and displays them on special page. Tracks:

  1. Damage to each individual non-friendly unit
  2. Switch time of all raid member's to this units
  3. Damage Taken
  4. Healing each to each individual unit
  5. Interrupts and dispels
  6. All buffs/debuffs during fight
  7. Spells log for players in raid
  8. All casts during fight
  9. Energy (resources) gain data
  10. DPS, health and powers (mana, focus, rage, etc) graphs
  11. Raid & boss frames history


Boss Watcher

Healing tab:

Boss Watcher

Battle Res

Shows status of battle ressurection in raidfights (available charges & time to next charge)

Raid Inspect

Inspects all raid members and shows information about them: item level, talents, glyphs, items, spec, stats, achivements, number of boss kills. Checking items without gems, enchants; low level items.

Inspect Viewer

Page to inspect talent trees

Raid Check

Checks foods, flasks and runes buffs on raid members. Shows special window during ready check

Invite Tool

  • Invite guildmates to raid
  • Autopromote in raid
  • Autoaccept invites
  • Disband raid
  • Disband and reinvite raid

Marks Bar

Marks Bar


Translate pull, afk or custom timers to BigWigs and DBM

Combat timer

Raid Groups

Save and quickly restore players setups in raid groups with a few clicks.

Raid Attendance

History of raid roster during your raids

Encounters statistics

Module saves statistics about pulls, kills, raid itemlevel, fight length and first-bloods

Loot history

Saving history of boss drops and who looted it.

Loot to chat

Linking all dropped loot from raid bosses to raid chat

Saving log

Autoenable logging (saving combat events to 'Logs\WoWCombatLog.txt') in raid and m+ zones

WeakAuras checker

WA checks


Module for assigning people for interrupting enemy mobs spells.


Autoplacing raid marks on mobs by name or on players with debuffs/buffs.


Also you can help to fix errors in translation or make suggestions about addon. Please leave your feedback.