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  • Store and send chat messages to multiple channels at once.
  • Can assign keybindings to messages without taking up action bar slots.
  • Quickly insert links to items, professions, spells, talents, etc..


Helps with

  • Guild recruitment
  • Selling/Buying/Trading items or services in chat
  • LFM/LFG - finding people for groups
  • Raid Instructions
  • Battleground callouts
  • Roleplaying Dialogs


Slash Commands

/mb, /messagebarker - Open/Close MessageBarker
/bm, /barkmsg, /barkmessage messageID - Barks the message with a given ID if it exists
/messagebarker_minimap_hide - Hide the minimap button
/messagebarker_minimap_show - Show the minimap button


Generally, this is easier to use than macros.

If you have any problems or suggestions, please leave a comment and I will try to accommodate.