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REQUIRES --> HandyNotes <-- to be installed                                                                                            current version: ==> 2.6.5 <== 

If you like this addon, please feel free to support me via Paypal ,Patreon or Ko-fi, any support is welcome

A collection of icons and functions on various maps


HandyNotes: MapNotes works on all versions: Retail (The War Within) / Cataclysm / Classic Era & Hardcore

A version only for Classic Era & Hardcore download >> HandyNotes: MapNotes Classic Era & Hardcore <<

A version only for Cataclym Classic download >> HandyNotes: MapNotes Cataclysm Classic <<

A Retail version only for Instance entrances download >> HandyNotes: MapNotes Instances only <<

All versions are translated for the following languages: enUS, deDE, esMX, ptBR, itIT, zhCN, zhTW, ruRU ,koKR, frFR, esES

MapNotes Icons:

  • MapNotes 
  • Capitals
  • Instance Entrances 
  • Delve Entrances
  • LFR dungeonbrowser applicant
  • Assigned instances (gray icons)
  • Portal (modern varinate) 
  • Portal (classic variante) 
  • Ship (modern varinate) 
  • Ships (classic variante)
  • Zeppelin (modern varinate)
  • Zeppelins (classic variante) 
  • Ogre Waygate
  • Darkmoon
  • Ever-Shifting Mirror
  • Teleport 
  • Instance Exit
  • Instance Passage
  • Orientation
  • Barber 
  • Bank (modern varinate) 
  • Bank (classic variante) 
  • Mailbox
  • Auctioneer
  • InnKeeper
  • Stablemaster
  • Transmog 
  • PvP Merchant 
  • PvE Merchant 
  • Deeprun Tram
  • Trading Post

only Classic Era and Cataclysm:

  • Spirit Healer 
  • Flightpoints World

only Capitals:

  • Professions only Capitals (modern varinate)
  • Professions only Capitals (classic variante)  
  • Item upgrade 
  • Catalyst
  • Dragonflight Transmogger

The following cities were classified as capitals:

 Horde: Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, Silvermoon, Undercity, Dazar'alor, Shrine of the two Moons, Warspear/Garirison

Alliance: Stormwind, Ironforge, Darnassus, Exodar, Boralus, Shrine of the seven Stars, Stormshild/Garrision

 Neutral: Shattrath (BC), Dalaran (WotLK), Dalaran (Legion), Oribos (SL), Valdrakken (DF), Darkmoon Faire, Dornogal (The War Within)


MapNotes functions:

Synch function:

  • Synchronizes the Zones tab with the Minimap tab
    • Which deactivates the functions from the Minimap tab and is now controlled together by the Zones tab
    • This will delete all Minimap settings and replace them with those from Zones tab if you now change a setting in the zone tab
  • Synchronizes the Capitals tab with the Capitals - Minimap tab
    • Which deactivates the functions from the Capitals - Minimap tab and is now controlled together by the Capitals tab
    • This will delete all Capitals - Minimap settings and replace them with those from Capitals tab if you now change a setting in the zone tab

General functions:

  • MapNotes has the option to hide Blizzard Dungeon entrances, Delve entrances, Blizzard POIs
  • It is possible to display additional tooltip information for MapNotes icons
  • All icons can be activated or deactivated separately and all icons can also be hidden or shown with a single click. Called  "Hide MapNotes!"
  • All icons are clickable (except on the minimap) and have their own function
  • You can use the MapNotes symbols with or without shift-clicking. Called "Shift function"
  • You can enable special MapNotes icons that combine multiple additional pieces of information such as "portals/ships/instance" into a single icon. Called “MapNotes Icons”.
  • The icons of the enemy faction can also be displayed or hidden. Called “Enemy Faction”
  • Normally, on a maximized map, you cannot use instance icons from Blizzard or other addons that would open the adventure guide.
  • But not for MapNotes u can use all functions on minimized or maximized maps!
  • You can test this by deactivating all instances / dungeon display addons, maximizing the map and then right-clicking on Blizzard's own dungeon icons, then you will exactly hear the sound of Dungeon Journal opening, but nothing happens because Blizzard blocks itself here.

Maximized Map function information

  • Immediately after using an instance icon from MapNotes to open the Adventure Guide, if you use the "Show Map" option in the Adventure Guide to switch to the dungeon map, the map will be displayed minimized for better orientation of your character inside the instance. This minimized map function ends when you close the map or when you press the “World Map on/off” button once! ( that you have set in the World of Warcraft 'keyboard settings' under 'Interface function') after which the map is automatically maximized again

Delete function

  • Delete Icons function
    • Alt + right click on any icon opens a query with which you can delete this icon for the displayed map
    • Deleted icons can be restored for the associated map type.(Zone/Continent/Azeroth/Dungeon/Capitals)
    • In the MapNotes menu in the general tab, simply press the corresponding button and the icons will be restored
    • If you use the addons shift function, you don't have to press shift button to do this, just Alt + left click
    • For example, if you want to display the mailbox icons in the capitals, more precisely in Orgrimmar, but not all of them, because there are visually too many that would be there in Orgrimmar, you can simply delete a few mailbox icons and only display them where you want them consider important

Restore function

  • Of course the deleted icons can be restored. To do this, simply use the button corresponding to the map in the general tab under restore (Capitals+, Zones+, Continents, Azeroth or Dungeon)

Unexplored function

  • Show unexplored areas with or without shadow effect

without function left image and with Unexplored Areas function right image

Unexplored Areas with Mist of the Unexplored function

Map function description (with or without Shift function

  • Alt + left click on any icon opens a query with which you can delete this icon for the displayed map
  • Shift + Right-click on any icon adds a TomTom waypoint (except on the Azeroth/Worldmap/Minimap)
  • Left-click on a Instance icon on a Continent/Zone map opens the corresponding dungeon in the adventure guide
  • Left-click on a Instance icon on the Azeroth or Worldmap open the area where the icon's target is
  • Left-click on Azeroth or Continent map transport icon takes you to the area where the symbols are located
  • Left-click on a Zone map transport icon will open the area where the icon's target is
  • Example Zone map:  '=> Orgrimmar' If you click on this symbol, the map of 'Orgrimmar' will open
  • Example Azeroth/continent map: 'Jade Forest Portal => Orgrimmar' Left-click on this symbol opens the map of the' Jade Forest'. So you can see where you need to go to get to the portal

WorldmapButton (example Kalimdor):

  • Right-click shows or hides all activated MapNotes icons of the current map type that is currently open (World Map/Azeroth/Continent/Zone/Dungeon)

Profile function:

  • Its now posible to load, create, import or delete profiles
  • Set or create a profile and easily copy it to other characters
  • Don't forget to set the professions separately for each character in the Capitals + tab under the capitals and minimap capitals in the professions section

MinimapButton (example Capitals) & Chat commands:

  • Right-click in a MapNotes defined Capital, shows/hides the Capital - Minimap icons
  • Right-click outside MapNotes defined Capitals shows/hides Minimap icons

  • Settings can also be found under: ESC -> Interface -> Addons -> HandyNotes -> Plugins -> MapNotes

Bug Reports

If you have found a bug, use Curseforge's 

==> issue button <==

instead of Comments on CurseForge.

 As these are immediately reported to the developer and can therefore be fixed more quickly

Changes can sometimes take a while, but I try to implement changes as quickly as possible 

Do not forget to specify which version of World of Warcraft this error occurs in, as this add-on covers multiple versions. (PTR / Retail / Cataclysm / Classic)

Feedback, requests and suggestions are welcome in the chat section

but please write for which version these requests should be,

as this addon works for 3 WoW versions

ty and enjoy the addon :)