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MacroManager addon
Tested on Classic WOTLK but should work on retail.
Type /mm
or /macromanager
to open the UI.
- Search and filter your macros.
- Share macros in chat like you share WeakAuras.
- Clean and streamlined UI.
- Easily move macros between account and character specific.
- Uses the built-in macro system and your existing macros.
Special thanks to
- The kind folks at WoWUIDev Discord for helping me as I build my first addon.
- AceGUI for a great UI library.
- WeakAuras for the sharing code.
- LibAdvancedIconSelector for building a great icon picker.
- LargerMacroIconSelection for fixing the great icon picker to work with the latest APIs.
Built by Grrumpy <Coldblooded> - Faerlina (US) (Cata Classic)
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