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Update macro containing unit name.

  • Provide command that self-updates macro with target specified.
  • Macro conditionals guid is here.

1. Hot to Use

Macro for pvp player (arena or bg)

/stopmacro [btn:2]  
/use [@arena1,harm][]spell
  • When you right-click on the macro, @arenaX in macro will be replaced by @arena(X+1).
    • arena1, arena2, arena3, arena1, ...

Macro for party or raid member

/stopmacro [btn:2]  
/use [@xxxx,help][]spell
  • When you right-click on the macro, @xxxx in macro will be replaced by @yyyy.

2. Tips

Detailed Specifications

  • /mu or /macroupdater commands work only when right-clicked.
  • These commands cannot stop the macro, so /stopmacro [btn:2] is required immediately after them.
  • If "@arenaX" exists inside the macro, increment the value of X by 1. (1, 2, 3, 1, ...)
  • If "@arenaX" not exists inside the macro, all "@xxx" are changed current target player name. ("target=xxx" is not changed)

BG and "@arenaX" macro

  • While in BG, "@arenaX" is treated as important enemy. * ex. Flag carrier.
  • The cyclone sample described below avoids this problem by using [@raid6,help];.

3. Sample


/stopmacro [btn:2]  
/use [@raid6,help];[@arena1,harm,nodead]Cyclone  
/use [@focus,harm,nodead][]Cyclone  


/stopmacro [btn:2]  
/use [noknown:29166]Regrowth;[help,nodead,group:raid][target=player,spec:4,nogroup:raid][nodead,help,@YourHealer][target=player]Innervate