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1 Lockbox Cracker
Did you ever curse at other players placing their lockboxes in the will not trade slot without asking you? Did you ever forget your keybinding of Pick Lock? ("Ah, how could I forget, I bound it to left curly bracket!") Were you ever starting to get slightly annoyed by having to move your mouse for several kilometers from your action bars to click Pick Lock back to the trade window and back and forth and ba... if one of your friends casually comes by with a pile of boxes?
The Answer is here!
This is a very simple addon without the need of any configuration. It is only loaded on rogue classes. If a player trades you any type of lockbox in the will not trade slot, alt-clicking will mark it for cracking.
Additionally, you can also alt-click any locked lockbox in your inventory. It will instantly start getting cracked.
Lock picking has never been so elegant!
2 Cracking Does Not Work?
If the addon does not work, you are probably on a language not tested/supported yet. Just write a comment with your game version (retail/classic) and I will look into it. Currently the addon works for German, English, French and Spanish clients. Bag Addons could possibliy interfere with this addon. However, the ones I have tested did not cause any problems.
3 Contact
If you stumble across any error messages or would like to have a new feature, write a comment here, ingame to Armak-Frostwolf (EU)/Bonwart-Venoxis (EU) or via Michi#2174.
4 Changelog History
v11.0.7 build 1 (Dec 28, 2024)
- Fixed TWW issues.
v4.4.1 build 1 (Nov 22, 2024)
- Updated for patch 4.4.1.
v1.15.5 build 1 (Nov 22, 2024)
- Updated for patch 1.15.5.
v11.0.5 build 1 (Nov 22, 2024)
- Updated for patch 11.0.5.
v10.2.6 build 1 (Mar 21, 2024)
- Updated for patch 10.2.6.
v1.15.1 build 1 (Mar 21, 2024)
- Updated for patch 1.15.1.
v3.4.3 build 1 (Mar 21, 2024)
- Updated for patch 3.4.3.
v10.0.5 build 1 (Jan 26, 2023)
- Updated for patch 10.0.5.
v3.4.1 build 1 (Jan 26, 2023)
- Updated for patch 3.4.1.
v10.0.0 build 1 (Nov 12, 2022)
- Updated for patch 10.0.0.
- Fixed an issue where pressing ALT during combat could throw a LUA error.
v9.2.7 build 1 (Sep 2, 2022)
- Updated for patch 9.2.7.
v3.4.0 build 1 (Sep 2, 2022)
- Updated for patch 3.4.0.
v1.14.3 build 1 (May 6, 2022)
- Updated for patch 1.14.3.
v2.5.4 build 1 (May 6, 2022)
- Updated for patch 2.5.4.
v2.5.3 build 1 (Mar 4, 2022)
- Updated for patch 2.5.3.
v1.14.2 build 1 (Mar 4, 2022)
- Updated for patch 1.14.2.
v9.2.0 build 1 (Mar 4, 2022)
- Updated for patch 9.2.0.
v2.5.2 build 1 (Oct 2, 2021)
- Updated for patch 2.5.2.
v1.14.0 build 1 (Oct 2, 2021)
- Updated for patch 1.14.0.
v9.1.0 build 1 (Aug 10, 2021)
- Updated for patch 9.1.0.
v2.5.1 build 1 (May 21, 2021)
- Updated for patch 2.5.1.
v1.13.7 build 1 (May 21, 2021)
- Updated for patch 1.13.7.
- Removed a check which could result in lockboxes not being alt-clickable.
v9.0.5 build 1 (May 21, 2021)
- Updated for patch 9.0.5.
v9.0.2 build 1 (Nov 26, 2020)
- Updated for patch 9.0.2.
v9.0.1 build 1 (Oct 14, 2020)
- Updated for patch 9.0.1.
v1.13.5 build 1 (Jul 08, 2020)
- Updated for patch 1.13.5.
v1.13.4 build 1 (Mar 18, 2020)
- Updated for patch 1.13.4.
v8.3.0 build 1 (Jan 15, 2020)
- Updated for patch 8.3.0.
v1.13.3 build 3 (Dec 14, 2019)
- Cracking on Classic should work again.
v1.13.3 build 2 (Dec 12, 2019)
- Correctly updated for patch 1.13.3 - *sigh*.
v1.13.3 build 1 (Dec 12, 2019)
- Updated for patch 1.13.3.
v8.2.5 build 1 (Sep 26, 2019)
- Updated for patch 8.2.5.
v1.13.2 build 2 (Sep 24, 2019)
Cracking should work again for our French players ! Allez-y !
v1.13.2 build 1 (Sep 10, 2019)
- I was able to test the addon on Classic WoW. Everything should work!
v8.2.0 build 7 (Jul 27, 2019)
- 'Leave combat to crack this box' should not appear on every item in your bags anymore.
v8.2.0 build 6 (Jul 25, 2019)
- The addon should now work at least with English, French and German clients. Please let me know when your language does not work!
v8.2.0 build 5 (Jul 22, 2019)
- Alt-clicking in the trade window now instantly marks the lockbox for cracking.
v8.2.0 build 4 (Jul 21, 2019)
- Forgot to change a version number in the .toc file. Shame on me!
v8.2.0 build 3 (Jul 21, 2019)
- Complete code rewrite, allowing much better accessibility
- You can now just alt-click lockboxes in your inventory to open them
- To open a lockbox for someone else you alt-click the lockbox in the no-trade slot. After that your pick lock spell activates as if you've just clicked it from your spell book. You then have to cast it onto the lockbox. As far as I know, you cannot open a no-trade lockbox with only one click.
- Added a small text to a lockbox's tooltip
- Future lockboxes most probably will be crackable without the need of an addon update, as the code does not depend on their item ids any more
v8.2.0 build 2 (Jul 14, 2019)
- Added Barnacled Lockbox.
v8.2.0 build 1 (Jun 26, 2019)
- Updated for patch 8.2.0.
v8.1.0 build 2 (Dec 20, 2018)
- The addon should not interfere with other addons any more (if it ever did).
- The generated Pick Lock buttons should not overlap the map and other standard UI elements any more if they should appear behind them.
- You can now right click any lockbox in your inventory. A Pick Lock button will appear to the left of it. Clicking on the item again or closing bags makes it disappear.
v8.1.0 build 1 (Dec 19, 2018)
- Updated for patch 8.1.0.
- Fixed icon positioning.
v8.0.1 build 2 (Nov 04, 2018)
- Minor improvements under the hood.
- The project switched to a different release naming. From now on it's always WoW's current version + the build number of Lockbox Cracker.
v1.0.2 (Jul 18, 2018)
- Updated for patch 8.0.1.
v1.0.1 (Aug 30, 2017)
- Updated for patch 7.3.0.
v1.0 (Jul 06, 2017)
- Release version 1.0