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A simple aggregation of trade skill recipes. Links trade category <-> recipe(s) <-> skill spell <-> item <-> item spell <-> effects.

Not all item's have a spell, nor all item spells have an effect. For instance, enchantments create an effect and not item at all! If a trade skill is taught strictly by an NPC then there is no recipe. In some versions, some trade skills have multiple recipes, hence we use a table of recipes, although in general the result is an empty table or singleton.


For library usages in your TOC file:

  • Classic: Libs\LibTradeSkillRecipes\lib-classic.xml
  • TBC: Libs\LibTradeSkillRecipes\lib-tbc.xml
  • Wotlk: Libs\LibTradeSkillRecipes\lib-wotlk.xml
  • Retail: Libs\LibTradeSkillRecipes\lib-retail.xml

Then reference via LibStub with
local LibTradeSkillRecipes = LibStub("LibTradeSkillRecipes-1")


---Gets the name of the effect.
---@param effectId number id of the effect
---@return string name of the effect

---Gets all effects, id to name.
---@return table all the effects

---Gets all the associated spells to the given category.
---@param categoryId number id of the category
---@return table spell ids associated to the category

---Gets all trade categories, id to a table of all the info.
---@return table all the categories

---@class TradeSkillInfo
---@field categoryId number trade skill category id for the item or effect
---@field expansionId number original expansion for the item or effect (0 based)
---@field recipeIds (number)[] list of the all recipe ids to learn the trade skill
---@field spellId number spell used to create the item or effect
---@field itemId? number item that is created from the spell
---@field spellEffectId? number effect provided by the spell or using the item, e.g. an enchantment
---@field salvageId? number items received from salving, currently has no lookup
---@field craftingDataId? number crafting elements created from the spell

---Given an recipe id, returns associated information for crafting.
---@param recipeId number
---@return table TradeSkillInfo

---Given an item id, returns associated information for crafting.
---@param itemId number
---@return table TradeSkillInfos items can have multiple spells if there are different levels created

---Given a spellId id, returns associated information for crafting.
---@param spellId number
---@return table TradeSkillInfo

Note: Expansion is a value 0 to 9, e.g. Wotlk is 2, Retail is 9. While versions are represented 1-10 for tables, Blizzard uses a 0 index for table values. Also, Wago Db does not have data for expansions 3-6, so those values are 7.


Run scripts in WowDbScripts, then copy over any change here.

Run Tests

Ensure you have lua installed, e.g. brew install lua.

Run lua tests.lua and look for Tests Passed!.

